A (train of) parasail(s) as AWES ?

I wondered how, alongside particularly high drag coefficients Cd, such high Cl could also exist, knowing that these are flexible wings.

The reason seems simple: these Rogallo rescue parachutes only stall at an extremely low speed and could have a very high angle of attack (being able to fall almost vertically as a fully drag-based parachute) that paragliders would be far from reaching, paragliders having also a far higher glide ratio. Figure 3 on the document below shows an angle of attack less than 10 degrees.

Experimental Study of Paraglider Aerodynamics
Authors: Sarah Becker and Paul Bruce
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33674.16321

Longitudinal Flight Mechanics of Paraglider Systems, see the figures 22 and 23 showing Cl and Cd decreasing as the speed increases.
The author is Rene Falquier: