Any research about installation cost?

This seems more like a business question perhaps. As a buyer I’d be interested in what my initial investment would be and how quickly the investment pays for itself. The seller then has to make an interesting product for me to consider. The only interest I had in the scale would perhaps be that I can’t afford a very big initial investment, as an individual, farmer, or community funded project. It’s also a new product, so I’m only going to invest after I’ve seen plenty of good reviews, which you’ll get quicker from selling many smaller systems.

As some of the components of the system (ground station) will depreciate slower than the others (kites and tethers), to limit my initial risk as a buyer, maybe it’s good for the seller to offer to lease or rent the ground station to me, and to let me buy the kites and so on, and choose different ground station and kite options.

I think the smaller the system, the more you can take advantage of economies of scale and the cheaper everything becomes, and the more potential buyers you have. Perhaps your generator is a tenth the price of a bigger one, there are a hundred potential makers of your smaller kite instead of three, and broken parts can be sent back to you with regular shipping.

You’d need to look at an individual system I think and compare that to grid energy, and the other alternatives like solar and diesel generators that are relevant for your location.

For estimating the cost, I’d perhaps initially only look at the bill of materials, which should stay relatively fixed, and ignore other costs, like labor, as you’re bound to become more efficient and automate things, over time.


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