Beyond the Sea: "Le SeaKite"

What are the different flight modes?

The different flight modes are: flag, bird, static or dynamic.

Flag flight: held by a halyard at the masthead, the kite is placed in the wind bed and does not generate traction.

Bird mode: only the central part of the kite carries in the wind, the “feathers” fade away generating drag and the kite is self-stable. This mode is used for a safe launch and recovery of the kite. This mode is also specific to Beyond the Sea.

Static flight: a flight mode where the kite is not moving and will remain stationary in the air. Dynamic flight: the kite describes 8’s and the traction force is between the wind direction and its perpendicular. The traction is maximum.

A sketch (text in French language) is shown page 5 of:


Different modes of use :

  1. Static tucked in: fixed kite, traction
  2. Static shocked: low traction,
  3. Dynamic: kite describing 8, strong traction,

Dynamic: wind direction
Static, perpendicular to wind direction

So in static mode of flight, the kite also flies (more or less) crosswind but without describing 8, and in a less favorable position in the flight window.

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