ID TechX free webinar 2019-01-10

Please can you translate in French language?

No. My reading is fine, my writing is not.

But AWE markets in sports (kitesurf) or ship traction exist. My sentence is centered on AWE market.

This is quite different as I cannot answer the same as previously because your sentence is centered on electricity market. It is not the same. So quoting me, deforming my words by adding your own words in brackets, suggests both you don’t understand what you read and a lack of good faith.

Apparently this is not a clear enough statement as we keep arguing over it. I think that is because “market” is too abstract a term and can mean a few things.

In the context of new products I always think of it as a shorthand for “possible market demand,” for example “I can see a market for flying cars” would mean, “if flying cars had the right price and be safe and everything, I expect there would be people buying them”.

[1] Are you saying that at this moment no electricity from AWES is being bought and sold, except by kitewinder?

[2] Are you saying you don’t see a future where electricity from AWES is being bought and sold?

[3] Are you saying that if an AWES were to be developed that could compete with wind, there would be no buyers?

Are you saying something else?

in my opinion [1] is obvious and true, [2] would need clarification on the reasons why you think that, [3] is unlikely.

I have already noticed your problems of understanding. Unfortunately I am not an educator.

That’s a cop out.

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What? Your lack of answer about it? (see below)

I’ll add the context:

Thanks. I would have wanted to think that your “That’s a cop out” was for your lack of any serious answer to:

This could have been your only relevant comment on this thread.

It wasn’t. I ignore the negative stuff. Or try to. Why you think, possibly, because you don’t expand on your statements, there is no future possible market for electricity from AWES is maybe interesting. Bickering isn’t.

Quoting by deforming words to win in the argument is not a positive attitude. Try to make an AWES like @Kitewinder does rather than quibbling about what is a market as the answer is obvious.

Okay, from that I guess what you mean by market is the current marketplace of people buying and selling electricity produced by AWES.

Going back to this:

A market analysis looks at who potentially would buy your service, and who your competition is. So it looks at possible market demand. Potential customers would be those who are buying electricity now from other suppliers, competitors would be other electricity providers. We all know at this time there is no AWES, except kitewinder, selling electricity. That’s not all that relevant for your market analysis, as the market for electricity is already there and you already have competition in the form of wind, solar, etc.

You would need to do a separate market analysis on those, as that is a different market. Personally I am not so interested in those applications.

A market analysis is not an affair of personal preference.
If we speak about AWE markets, we include electricity production, sports, ship traction and so on.
If we speak about electricity demand market we include windtowers, solar, coal, gas, nuclear, potentially AWE and so on.

Agree with @Windy_Skies on the market issue. Awes would enter the electricity market.

Since noone here thinks the Id TechX analysis is any good - are there better ones?

This is inaccurate. See the quote below:

Why not on the present forum, see on The no market Hypothesis.

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I have no opinion on th TechX analysis. In general terms I’d say I agree with @dougselsam that it is difficult for an outsider (and I believe also for an insider) to know if AWE’s time is close. But still, for an investor, the TechX report is perhaps better than nothing, even if the quality is average.

For me it’s interesting, but I would rather spend time reading papers and watchibg videos from the AWESCO conferences

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