Is there an issue with Flygen?

A crosswind ST version with a long rigid kite:

I like that your array of spinners has an upward slant @PierreB
Maybe there some lift can be generated from that with cyclic blade control

Your sketch is Much better than the sketch I made (9 yrs ago = so cringe) with spinning (Spaghetti) trailing from a large kite

looked like it was designed to destroy itself instantly

Don’t worry - the designs eventually improved to being more horizontal


Hi Rod,

Thank you for your compliments which I return to you. The second video is even something that would resemble what we had discussed with Tallak, and which I tried to study.

In a crosswind version with only the two lines like the initial FlygenKite, it would be a sort of SuperflygenkiteDaisy. The propeller would be lightened, but implementation would remain difficult.

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They both look like good ideas to me.
The one with the SuperTurbines could almost be a rear view of a multiple version of what Pierre drew.
The one on the ground I called “The Grandstand Array”.

This shows the theory of operation:

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