KiweeTwo - next Kitewinder product

This is one of the silly things about AWE stated goals versus actual skillsets.
Just because people were out there having a good time kitesurfing, they thought they had somehow magically mastered wind-generated electricity. In 15 years of big talk, I noticed none of the big talkers even had a kite that could launch and land by itself, assuming kites would even play a role in AWE, of which they had no doubt. Will kites even play a role? No way to say, at this point.

And these days, we hear talk of autonomous launches and landings, but I still don’t see anything in regular, daily operation, despite years of statements to the contrary. As for giving an opinion on a description of hoped-for operating parameters for something which doesn’t exist, I’m not sure what to say, but if it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist.

And as far as scoring matrices for AWE systems goes, depending on who is doing the scoring, everyone from Altaeros, to Makani, to the kite-reelers, would probably have scored high and received glowing recommendations by someone, at some point. Just read the old articles on them all.

Turns out they were all just more people erroneously thinking they had superseded regular wind turbines, just like all the vertical-axis wannabe inventors out there. At least, even though the vertical-axis machines used more material, cost more, and performed worse, you could point to vertical-axis turbines in regular operation, even if they only last about a year before self-destruction.

Maybe you should come visit Kitemill’s site to get updated on this. Though you have not heard many press releases on this because there are a few details missing for it to be 100% hands off.

I know a few companies we have been in touch with also state that launch and land is working or close to completed.

Also please remember that developing AWE is a massive effort, and launch/land may not be top priority. So if someone did have this 110% ready, you would probably just point out that another aspect was lacking.

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Well, maybe, but the lack of auto-launch-land for even any simple kite has always seemed a glaring omission for the people who kept saying “kires, kites, kites”, and “The Kite Gods” were going to solve everything, etc.

Meanwhile, people are still musing over whether to fly a figure-8 or a circle, whether to have a generator onboard or not, whether to use helium or not, etc., just like it’s still day-one in AWE.

Autonomous launch/land may not be a top priority but it is essential for the success of a project. An exception to this would be extremely large projects where you can afford to have a permanent staff on site.