Latest Doomsday fearmongering scenario: Back to global cooling, but it’s still your fault!
Gulf Stream Collapse!
Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos: ‘We were actually bewildered’ | Live Science
They say it will plunge Europe into a deep freeze.
But there is no agreement on this whole story.
I was under the impression that warm water from the gulf stream fell as snow in Greenland, reflecting sunlight and keeping everything up there cool. But more immediately, the warm North Atlantic keeps Europe warm, so…
Whatever the case, the only viable action is to panic and feel guilty, and try to stop doing anything, since anything you do will cause a catastrophe.
By the way, have you ever thought, if we can harness ocean currents for unlimited cheap energy, “they” will need a reason to restrict it, and maybe tax it. So this could be a setup for future control of otherwise cheap and abundant energy.
Also, did you know, the emergence of Central America, rising from the sea, cut off the Gulf of Mexico from the Pacific side, causing warm bathtub conditions, which caused the Gulf Stream, which caused the current ice age, which resulted in the evolution of humanity by adaptation to the cold? Suddenly we needed clothing, shelter, fire, and technology to use it all, just to survive the cold. Hard for primates to stay in trees when all the leaves fall off! Once the leaves were gone, we became “ground-apes”, and had to turn our former tree nests upside-down and get inside them on the ground!
And it;s all about weather, which starts with:
- underground magma currents that move the continents around on the surface
- ocean currents moved around by the shifting continents
- finally, as a side-effect, air currents are affected, influencing temperatures.
How di we lose our body hair? Clothing and shelter!
Why do people go bald? Because of a million years of wearing hats!
And it all started out with magma currents underground…