Multi rotor wind

Three similar “press-release breakthroughs”:
The first is from Japan, a multi-rotor Savonius, in this case, with counter-rotating rotors.
US to test Japan’s unique wind turbines that generate power even at 7 mph (

““These compact vertical turbines are successfully used in densely populated areas throughout Japan,” said Craig Nakamoto, HCDA Executive Director.”

Yeah, sure they are…
BTW, in all the years of counter-rotating dual-rotor turbines utilizing a counter-rotating generator to help with the low RPM, I’ve never seen one actually completed or working. Typically, as with the California Energy Commission counter-rotating turbine seeking to take advantage of that talking-point doubling of the RPM, building that counter-rotating generator turns out to be too much of a bother, so they just use two separate generators. How many times do we need to see a Savonius “announced” as a “new breakthrough”. No wait, how about “game-changer”?

OK Here’s a very similar Savonius press-release breakthrough that just made “the news”:

Ukrainian schoolboy’s innovative wind turbine opens new opportunities for urban wind energy (

Since we’ve discussed the best designs for Savonius here before, I won’t burden you with all the details of why this idea doesn’t meet those characteristics. But hey, it’s a kid, right? Give the kid a favorable article! After all, it’s “global warming” where facts don’t matter, just what fits on a bumper-sticker!

OK now here’s the coup-de gras: This one has gotten a LOT of press coverage lately.
And THIS multi-rotor turbine is “ACTUALLY BECOMING A REALITY!!!” How do we know? It says so in the article, silly! You can’t doubt anything about a supposed “new” wind energy device (er, um, rendering) that appears in an actual ARTICLE, can you?

A designer’s wild ‘wind turbine wall’ idea is actually becoming reality (

I guess it’s supposed to be in production (checks watch) right about now! So go get one. BTW, I guess the wannabe “inventor” has been agonizing over the details of “his design” - exactly how to design and build his Savonius - still working on that, but when he gets to that point, he “will” build them into “a wall” and you “will” be able to power your home with his wall. Got it?

Since turbines like this are supposedly already available for purchase, not sure why this “inventor” is still hemming and hawing over the exact design for them, but when he figures it out, look out!

Here’s another article on his “breakthrough”:
Designer turns clean energy into an aesthetic choice with ‘wind turbine wall’: ‘If it’s not beautiful, we have failed’ (