Hello Pierre: Thanks for clarifying. As I recall, Germany was shutting down baseline spinning-reserve nuke plants and substituting intermittent wind turbines. The idea was “nukes are bad”, while “wind is good”. The result was some of the most expensive electricity in the world. Nuke plants are great, as long as you can guarantee that, going into the future, the materials don’t fall into the wrong hands. I wish some of these people could make up their mind what is the best, or even an acceptable, form of energy. I have no problem with using the extra power and heat from a nuke plant to produce industrial hydrogen, but you have to admit, it has nothing to do with wind energy, nothing to do with AWE, and I remember a time when such a post might have been rejected as “off-topic”. But it seems there is just not much left to say about AWE, except that such a scenario would probably make Oceanergy irrelevant, as though one more “press-release breakthrough” needs any help failing and ultimately disappearing. :slight_smile: