Proposed new terminology to align AWE with established wind energy

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I suggested two main categories:

  • Stationary

  • Downwind

These terms refer to the swept area.

  • Stationary AWES would concern static or crosswind fly-gen, but also rotary devices like SuperTurbine™ or Daisy or Kiwee or Rotating Reel, and also carousels, which could be subcategories. Betz’s limit of 16/27 applies (more or less, rather less) to all these devices.

  • Downwind AWES are aligned or crosswind yo-yo (kite-reeling) devices. Betz’s limit drops to 4/27.

So, to avoid confusion, Makani-type devices could be called “fly-gen” as is already done, and kite-reeling devices could be called “yo-yo” or even “kite-reeling”.

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