Questions and complaints about moderation + unlisted, mostly unmoderated, free discussion

@kitefreak, this forum is moderated, like almost all forums are, to raise the quality of discussion and not let one party dominate. Nothing anyone can say will make the moderation go away. By participating in the discussions here you agree to be bound by the rules of the forum. Just stay clear of the barrier, it really is for your own safety. If you don’t you can blame yourself for the consequences.

If the guidelines here are a little too vague you can try following one of these:

Good answers aren’t good just because they are right – they are good because they explain.

Even though sources are not mandatory, if someone asks you to provide sources in good faith , please provide them willingly and happily. If you are not prepared to substantiate your claims when asked, please think twice before answering.

The burden of proof rests with the poster, not the reader.

Address the information presented, not the person who presents it. The subject of your sentence should be “the evidence” or “this source” or some other noun directly related to the topic of conversation. “You” statements are suspect.

You’re not a little kid anymore. You’ve read the rules, start acting like it. I’ll start treating you like it anyway. For now I’d strongly advise you to not post in the feedback category anymore unless it is to ask how to improve.

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