Secret Life of Kites- Let them Dance (Yaw DOF) by Dave Santos

Dave Santos: the master of passive control.

We are impatiently awaiting developments with minimally controlled kite networks, to know what giant sets could give, knowing that bifurcation analysis could occur. Indeed the behavior of one kite could be different from that of a multitude of more or less connected kites due to the interaction.

As such an analysis is perhaps even more difficult to carry out on paper than doing the test with kites, the best would be for Dave to get back to work and contact a few members of his team to set up a set of kites whose movements will compensate for themselves by the interactivity of each of the kites, and in a partly chaotic manner, but sufficient to satisfy the two immediate requirements, plus a third: to produce wind power, stay in the air as long as possible, and to take off and land without human intervention.

I think everybody would be happy to welcome a report (a video) of such a work when made, including the present AWEforum.