Slow Chat II

This is an example of how the people making videos, running discussion groups, etc., involving wind energy, are the least aware people of all, regarding the efficacy of the various technologies.

Slower rotation = lower efficiency. Farm water-pumping windmills get about half the power of regular electric wind turbines, and all attempts to electrify them have fallen by the wayside.

more ignorance: tip speed is not controlled by diameter.

You mean like this debunked wind turbine,
(27) The Curse That Keeps on Giving: Honeywell WindTronics Redux | LinkedIn
also promoted by the same guy associated with the old forum that just restarted his nonsense here today? Can this be a coincidence? Nope, it’s par for the course. You guys are all the same!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, copycat - get your own slogan!

Ah yes, the newbie myth that somehow “torque” is some mysterious, hard-to-transfer force!
Yes it seems compelling. I remember seeing a bicycle-wheel turbine in my first pamphlet on wind energy in the 1970’s. Part of the hippy movement. It was already not being taken very seriously, way back then. Somehow, the idea never worked out well enough to gain any traction.

Yeah yeah yeah, maybe this, maybe that…

Yeah, and make all that crap on the ground rotate with the turbine. The perpetual newbies always have all the answers!

Wow, great quality video! So old it was still touting the now-debunked officially-sanctioned outrage over “acid rain”. Yes, this design has come a long way now, hasn’t it? That’s because it’s so great!

Yes, let’s ignore any and all details of any aspect of this, so we can keep saying how great it is!

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE ideas like this and have many myself. However, at some point, we have to see through the trees and look at the whole forest. A Ferris-wheel that can’t aim and gets less power than a wind turbine, being far less efficient, while costing more, will always be just “a nice idea” and nothing more! And it’s only “a nice idea” for people who don’t know any better. All this stuff is well understood by those in the know. That’s why they are not in production today! not that complicated. :slight_smile: