Slow Chat II

Your recent answer to Rod (about power/weight record) is the exact opposite of what you said a few days earlier (see quotes).

You hijack the subject of power/ mass record with asserting again your “I find it odd that you proclaim AWE is dead shortly after…”.

Moreover I challenge you to find a single quote that would confirm your initial statement, given that it would have to be after the announcement of the new curve, i.e. from March 22 (your “shortly after”), and of course before your initial statement I quoted. If you refer to my comment, you will find nothing to confirm that “[I] proclaim the AWE is dead…”. If you read this commentary more carefully, you’ll be able to see under what conditions AWE could exist and which, in my opinion, correspond to higher altitudes than HAWT can reach.

So I await the quote that confirms your assertion.

Now your assertion with the rest:

You speak of an “announced breakthrough”, while rightly stating “I cant verify any claims just now”, which is to say that it’s too early to know if it’s really a “breakthrough”. Yet you don’t hesitate to consider this supposed “breakthough” in contrast to your “[I] proclaim the AWE is dead…”.

All this has a name: lack of intellectual honesty. This leads to a loss of credibility…