Slow Chat III

In an older interview, one of the founders talks about this system being based on a helicopter rotor principle instead of a propeller rotor principle, and the system having a teetering/seesaw hinge, which should help the rotor yaw out of the wind. Also he for example talks about that a concrete base, as opposed to a steel one, dampens the sound coming from the turbine, benefiting sea life.

The company seems to have several YouTube channels, the above videos were from an older one, this panel discussion from a newer one. It talks about a 3.2 GW floating wind project off Sardinia.

Here on another YouTube channel an animation of how the turbines would be made and transported. The base of the turbines and the method of transport now have changed.

News Archieven - Seawind Ocean Technology %

This turbine was made by a company whose IP and manufacturing rights were bought by Seawind. One of the founders of Seawind, Silvestro Caruso, was also at that company.

A 2018 study: