Slow Chat III

Maybe because I’ve been on-target for the whole 15-year AWE hype cycle, and the only voice of reason and factuality, and one of the few with actual experience in wind energy, while almost every statement made by AWE promoters has turned out to be false, and to this date, there is still not a single AWE system in regular operation anywhere in the world, despite all the false press-releases that so many newbies take so seriously. Maybe because I’ve been sounding a warning the whole time, to a bunch of people without enough actual interest in wind energy to have ever built an operational system, or even bought one, that wind energy is more difficult than they are aware of. Maybe because I’m the only source on any of these forums whose messages just happen to be powered by wind energy. Oh well, I’ve tried to help. But wind energy perpetual newbies are never interested in facts. Flounder on! :slight_smile: