Slow Chat III

One of the most common wind energy “inventions” by people without a background in wind energy is to somehow move the generator to the ground. Dare I mention the sacred name “Professor Crackpot”?
Whether it is a long, rotating driveshaft (whether coincident with the tower, or inside the tower, etc.), or a hydraulic pump at the tower top and a hydraulic motor at the bottom driving a generator, long looping belts, or… a kite pulling a string on a reel, they are all similar in their basic intent to “get that heavy generator on the ground where it belongs, dang it!”.

It’s a lot of “all-ya-gotta-do-is…” thinking (or lack of thinking).

I’m almost surprised someone hasn’t suggested using the tower-top generator to drive a motor at ground level, that then spins a second generator! I mean, why do things the easy way when you can make it way more complicated and expensive?

And of course there are the vertical-axis turbines with their supposed “advantage” of a ground-based generator - and the other reason is the vertical-axis people are usually too ignorant to even try to elevate their turbine in the first place - but if you know anything about motors and bearings, generators like to run sideways (laying down), not standing on end, because it is better for the bearings.

Anyway, I’m a big proponent of ground-based generators, but not aware of any major success stories - yet! :)))