Slow Chat

My question to ChatGPT:

Here is a comment in a forum: [Stop framing this wrongly @PierreB , follow the thread.

Unless you have some proof to the contrary, the general situation is
Once up and spinning even rotors without cyclic pitch control provide more than enough lift to maintain their elevation. The stack elevation is forcefully retarded by the backline.
Not spinning, they are generally sloped to provide some lift via deflection.
Getting rotors up reliably if they’re not spinning requires some additional lift.
As discussed already in this thread.

No this is not a stable arrangement. The result is highly dynamic, both in alignment and variation in
L/D ratios with gusts, lulls acceleration, reconfiguration, deformation, elasticity, flutter…

If you are going to insist on statements and conviction - provide proof.

Also it is not so easy to obtain rotors ensuring both torque and lift. So perhaps rotors ensuring torque and power should be settled close to the ground station, and rotors ensuring lift close to the kite.

Explain this please. Have you made models of what you’re suggesting here?
I’d understand the point if you were challenging this as an established orthodoxy (which it’s not- this is weird new effects shiz) So bring facts, science, results. We are all still looking for the truth of this system

As for this @PierreB

If you really want harness altitude winds for power, then only the lifting kite is used, which incorporates a yo-yo system in aligned or crosswind flight.

What a crock of]. Does it go against the forum rules, and how? The forum rules: [
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Based on the forum rules, the comment [What a crock of] appears to go against the rule “Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.” The comment is seen as name-calling and not respectful to the person being referred to. Additionally, the comment does not provide any counter-arguments or improve the discussion.

This is only an example. I could quote others in abundance from the same author on this topic alone, and who is a moderator to boot. Knowing the bias of the moderation I don’t flag comments anymore since a long time, contenting myself with answering on these comments in the topic itself, in this case:

The violation was obvious and was not picked up by any moderator, as I expected. And it is an example among numerous other examples.

Since moderators do not follow the rules they impose, either they should not impose them on others who are not moderators, or the rules should be changed so they can be enforced. I would suggest (ironically) adding to the rules to be followed that they do not concern moderators.

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