Will KiweeOne be funded?

We can’t really predict this as we can’t look inside the heads of the people browsing that crowdfunding platform, and I personally don’t know how many people browse the platform.

If I were working for an NGO and looking at possible means to get electricity to a community, I’d give their offering a pass though. Much too expensive, too little power for that price, and much too prone to failure. Even if I were given it free, I’d still need to send people over to deliver it and explain its use. It’d be time wasted and I’d lose the respect of the community if it were to break in a couple of months. Much better to just send something I know will work and will last.

The news that some turbines would go to NGOs was only announced the 14th of November. The idea doesn’t seem that well thought out yet.

If I were in their shoes I’d do a lot with social media, for getting the word out there and better understanding what their target market should be and what that target market needs.

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