Windswept and Interesting Ltd

There was a too rude message from @dougselsam
basically, it was asking if I was wrong previously to promote open source hardware AWES.
and thus could I be wrong in current and future decisions.
I used an admin privilege to first flag, and reply privately… Nothing happened with flagging, so I’ve deleted the post.

The actual content deserves an answer.

No, I still think, it was the right thing to openly publish my initial conceptual developments as a framework for further work.

Yes patenting should be correctly used for promotion and protection of ancillary development which enables large scale deployments, safe coordination, efficiency, optimization, manufacture, control etc

Both approaches have their correct space for operation and market.

I’m still amazed at the seeming lack of competing work.

Yes, we can all make mistakes, any time… There are ways to help flag the likelihood and train to avoid mistakes when the stakes are high.

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