Advanced Kite Networks


From Dave Santos, for very Advanced Kite Networks:

“25 Terrawatts (!)”: Perplexity AI duplicates kPower estimation of max Unit-Plant Kite Network Power
Context: ‘Quantum leap’ in climate ambition needed, says UN report – DW – 10/24/2024

Perplexity AI Session covered a large scope of AWES technoeconomic details, particularly regarding single-line v many-connected AWES topologies. Single-line AWES hardly scale, given the long list of inherent limitations. A single vast kite Network can in principle power the world. Nothing else comes close.

AWE Kite Networks is the missing “Quantum Leap” technology to save us from worst-case Climate Change. It’s simply sailing-in-the-sky on a grand scale. Kite Pros know how to do it, with “rag-and-string-only”, as venture and academic non-experts have failed to think big. AI knows all about power kites and has no problem thinking big.

------ Perplexity AI session highlight ------

PROMPT: Redo (1km) estimate based on Kite Networks tapping wind up to 10km. Disregard current capability or intent, consider ultimate potential only.


To estimate the ultimate theoretical potential of Kite Networks tapping winds up to 10km altitude, we need to consider several key factors:

  1. Wind Power Density: At higher altitudes, wind speeds are generally stronger and more consistent. The power density of wind increases with the cube of wind speed.
  2. Available Area: The area available for kite networks expands significantly when considering altitudes up to 10km.
  3. Atmospheric Density: Air density decreases with altitude, which affects the power output.
  4. Jet Streams: At altitudes around 10km, kites could potentially access jet streams, which have much higher wind speeds than lower altitudes.
  5. Global Wind Patterns: Different regions have varying wind characteristics at high altitudes.

Theoretical Calculation:

  1. Assume an average wind speed of 50 m/s at jet stream altitudes (conservative estimate).
  2. Air density at 10km is approximately 0.4 kg/m³.
  3. Power density = 1/2 * air density * wind speed³
    = 0.5 * 0.4 kg/m³ * (50 m/s)³ = 25,000 W/m²
  4. Assuming a network of kites could effectively harvest 10% of this power over a large area:
    Effective power density = 2,500 W/m²
  5. If we consider a massive kite network covering an area of 100 km x 100 km (10,000 km²):
    Theoretical power output = 2,500 W/m² * 10,000,000,000 m² = 25 TW

This theoretical output of 25 terawatts is enormous, representing more than the current global electricity consumption.


Of course, we seek several hundred AWE plants at a few GW each, avoiding adverse local climate impacts and even directly mitigating climate disasters. Kite Network engineering has been conceptually studied in tremendous detail over the last two decades, but neglected by timid energy decision-makers, most AWE academics, and unqualified venture capitalists promising quick returns from poorly conceived designs.