|### dave santos|17 Aug 2022, 23:00 (13 hours ago)||

| — | — | — |
|to Roland, Lorenzo, Weber, Tallak, Thomas, me, Kristian


Reminding folks how Tallak continues to damage pubic discourse to blindly believe Doug’s claims and not allow rebuttals from Old Forum Archives. Old debates once allowed observers to learn what Tallak is not wanting to learn, that Doug has never been able to prove his accusations, claiming to have lost all his old emails or not to be able to search JoeF’s public archives with local search. Tallak believes Doug because he wants to, even praising ideas that are mine while falsely crediting Doug.

What a terrible job of sharing AWE knowledge to allow so many provable misstatements to stand.

Over the years we solved how to practice videogrammetric physics to conduct virtural flyoff, as doomed AWEurope ventures refused the concept of rigorous aerospace flyoff and scoring matrix, and remaining insiders still do.

Roland and Lorenzo do not seem too keen on an optimal AWE research strategy nor videogrammetric detective work, seemingly content for EU ventures to drive poor engineering science from a commercial interest ethos that can only fail to deliver, due to a wide technological “Valley of Death”.

Rigorous Virtual Flyoff beyond Doug and Tallak’s imagining long ago predicted AWEurope failures. Even today, Kitemill and Kitepower data can be gleaned from media predicting scaling failure and other critical shortcomings. The grim predictions are data-driven. The marketing claims are greed-driven. No wonder they do not match up.

Facts do not go away. Virtual Flyoff analysis predicts Kitemill is already experiencing scaling safety and economic barriers, but marketing as if they do not know this.


On Friday, August 5, 2022 at 04:11:07 PM CDT, dave santos <> wrote:


This is very odd. Now Tallak is praising my concept (virtual fly-off) that Doug is falsely claiming.