AWEC2019 videos

Thanks for getting the first 26 up.
That’s my days schedule changed.
Gutted my presentation didn’t make the first 26 of course.

We worked through the presentations systematically by track (1st) and chronology (2nd). So you just have to hang on a bit.

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8 videos in at this point. Some of which I saw live.
All super interesting.
Feels like we could have a separate discussion topic for each of them.

Comments on the order in which I watched.

KPS effect of mass

Key point Lightweight is essential for AWES. More mass ~= worse performance, higher LCOE & more wear

ETH Zurich fast prototyping of morphing wings

Key point They did a lot of testing and crashing. In house and modular manufacture sped up their game. nice wee prepreg sheet folding jig, clamp pressed the sheet over 3d printed ribs.

Kitemill KM1 VTOL

Key point Quadcopter manual and auto flight control.
Control priority went to Roll 1st then Pitch2nd then yaw 3rd thrust 4th
nice gimbal test in warehouse to check balance of thrust control mix
planning regen onboard from pitching props

Christof Beaupoil Practical Experiences with Torsion…

What a cool funny guy
Would love to get more involved with that kit and really get to know the tp_core architecture

Thomas Haas KU Leuven AWES Farm Performance for Different Operation Modes

keypoints close packing yoyo downwind at 1 ground length separation will destroy performance. They’re investigating other farm layouts now.

Makani Q&A

Makani didn’t like answering questions straight much

Audrey Schanen Gipsa Using Drones for the Take-Off and Landing Phases of an AWE System

detailed sim model had varying path following success depending on wind speed on a very small system

Rachel Leuthold Uni Freiburg Towards a Modular Upscaling Strategy for Utility-Scale Airborne Wind Energy

Decoupling scaling failures with multi-kite approach. Uses (made & published) AWEbox for analysis
Assessed with tree topologies [#Layers : (#Kites/Layer)]
There was no wake interaction on layers so careful with conclusions… Optimal control solver had positions [3:2] further out x and up z than [2:3] which was further than [1:2]… [1:1]
Most noticeable offshore
Looks like more layers ~= more efficient
Double #kites ~= 10m less wingspan / kite (did I hear that right.
Video cuts out too soon… just as (I guess) Rachel is likely to say the multi kite power profiles per cycle are smoother so you might have less line wear and thinner line…

Loving having these videos up thanks all involved

Okey Dokey watched them all now.
Thanks again @rschmehl for uploading them.
Some really interesting approaches to problem solving on display.
Liked how Lorenzo & Skypull were able to work from the point of considering how much control surface in a particular orientation you would want to have the path you want … instead of how to roll a standard kite to do the same.
Liked @floba Florians presentation on redundancy for safety using non parallel multi conductor tethers and multi phase machines on a flygen smart

Glad to have had these videos this weekend since it’s a rest week in the Prada Cup sailing.

Just recently noticed there’s a transcripts section beside these videos.
I was interested because I didn’t quite hear part of a presentation
So transcripts seems like a great function idea and could be very useful as an assistive and enabling technology.
Well that’s the hope but the reality is … some sort of auto transcribed gibberish
It’s a bit concerning that content of such poor quality is loaded beside such high quality content. Not just for disability access but for search indexing too.
Fair enough … Voice searching with any Scottish accent is notoriously hard … maybe the transcript needs a disclaimer on verifiable source veracity

Hi @Rodread, I was also very excited about this auto-captioning service but then also very disappointed by the actual quality of the transcription. Gibberish is probably the correct word for the result… But I don’t want to put all blame on the tool - a large part is certainly also due to the miserable audio quality of the recordings (lessons learnt for AWEC 2021!). I had contacted the programmers of the library, who develop this platform, and they kindly offered a newly developed (hidden) option of accessing the transcript, such that one can correct it in the browser. That was about a month ago, and at that time they did not have the option to upload an externally generated subtitle file. Anyway, if someone wants to help working on improving the quality, please get in touch with me.

OK, slightly more wow @rschmehl was the wee drop there…

Enjoyed the Airspace Regulation panel.

Skysails and Makani had very different approaches to working within regulation frameworks.
Makani permissions were granted as a wind turbine for airspace safety but with a huge ground exclusion zone
Skysails are permissioned as aircraft, they dedicate airspace, they have a safety line, they have transponders for proactive collision avoidance of aviation tourists coming to check out their machine.

There is now also a Utilities Panel

@Rodread 10 more video recordings on Enjoy!

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@rschmehl you’re still saving the best till last - Classy :rofl: :wink:

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Indeed @Rodread, I have not yet seen your video which should crown the whole when it will be available. Let’s wait a little longer before being rewarded.

If I remember correctly
I just got up to the plinth
and gibbered nonsense at high speed for 10 minutes before making a fool of myself trying to keep up with the adults in the panel bit
Should be ace

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@rschmehl @Ollie
Will a link to the videos from AWEC2019 be available on the site so that we have a cohesive conference recap structure to send people to?

Also on the topic of AWEC…
Will it be possible to present / attend AWEC2021 virtually?
If not for the sake of COVID… for the sake of CO2 emissions from attendance?

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Yes, we will offer online participation as an alternative to physical participation.

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That is bloody brilliant news.
Thank you Roland

@Rodread It would of course still be much nicer to see each other in person. That is where the real value of these events is in my opinion: the networking, hanging out together and discuss technical and non-technical things, etc. That all gets lost with the online conference format. I do understand the argument about reducing CO2 emissions (it was Sebastian’s proposition 7 “Transforming international conferences into virtual events is an important contribution of the scientific community to combat climate change”) but there is a break-even point, when everything comes to a halt from limiting activities by further and further reducing emissions.

Thinking this through I get to a different conclusion: shouldn’t we (AWE R&D community) travel, meet all and discuss to accelerate the development of the best renewable energy technology ever (you know which one I mean;-). This will make up for our CO2 emissions. In that sense, I should have countered Sebastian on his proposition 7, actually.

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Yeah… I love a Network AWES too

Considering all the work @Ollie put in …
It’s more tragic that his presentation isn’t published yet @PierreB
Keep us updated on progress please @rschmehl
I’d love to have at least 1 online reference to independently verify that I’m an actual AWES venture

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@Rodread and colleagues: help needed! We have now finalized the first batch of 40 videos which are available from here It seems that some of the DOI identifiers (the links starting with 10.5446/…) are broken. Can you help me clicking through all 40 videos and post here a list which ones do not work?