I would like to compare the FEG system with the system proposed by Bolonkin.
His system is essentially the same as Kitewinder but on a much larger scale and with an LTA balloon instead of a lifter kite. The key difference is that the turbine is oriented to directly face the wind. This means that Bolonkin‘s system will produce at least twice the power due to the elimination of cosine cubed losses. I have always believed that turbines should be used only for power generation and lifter kites only for lifting. Having kites and turbines perform dual functions (lift and power), will make both of them perform suboptimally. Bolonkin‘s system is much lighter due to elimination of generators and the conductive cable. The large lifter kite which is required, can be launched at much lower wind speeds.
I don’t believe that crosswind action is suitable for these high altitude systems. The high velocity winds are already at the limit of the turbines capability. Crosswind action will only increase the chance of tether or turbine failure.