Yes, this information is missing. But there are quite a few interesting elements in the first link above.
There are some indications about the lift (gw) per aspect ratio and per end plates (in red) and blades (in blue), although the deduced lift coefficients Cl look to be very high (see calculation below).
Comparison of lift force of the two rotors
The relationship between the lift (gw) and the velocity ratio of the two rotors for different aspect ratios is as follows, the wind speed:2 m/sec, pitch angle of blades ≈10°, The velocity ratio refers to the ratio of rotor speed (rω) to wind speed.
- Aspect Ratio = 8(height:0.4 m, diameter:0.05 m), diameter of end plates/blades = 0.1 m
- Aspect Ratio = 5(height:0.4 m, diameter:0.08 m), diameter of end plates/blades = 0.13 m
- Aspect Ratio = 1.5(height:0.3 m, diameter:0.2 m), diameter of end plates/blades = 0.27 m
We can notice that with end plates (in red), low velocity ratio (about below 2) and low aspect ratio (1.5), the cylinder generate more lift than blades (in blue) for the same velocity and aspect ratio.
But we should take into account the cylinder area (0.06 m²) of 1.5 aspect ratio, which is higher than the cylinder area for the aspect ratios of 5 (0.032 m²) and 8 (0.02 m²).
Calculation (for end plates, concerning only red curves; for blades in blue curves the values are lower at low velocity ratio, and are higher at high velocity ratio) with wind speed of 2 m/s (given in the website), air density of 1.2, assuming 1 gw is 1 gram-weight (?) and is1 gram-force and is 0,0098 N although I am not sure for gw, but the proportions stand if there is no mistake:
0.06 m² (aspect ratio 1.5), 40 gw (0.392 N) at velocity ratio of 1.5: lift coefficient Cl = 2.72;
0.032 m² (aspect ratio 5), 65 gw (0.637 N) at velocity ratio of 4.1: lift coefficient Cl = 8.29;
0.02 m² (aspect ratio 8), 70 gw (0.686 N) at velocity ratio of 5: lift coefficient Cl = 14.29.
As an hypothesis, it can perhaps be a good information if we integrate Magnus effect elements in an AWES, because the wind turbine (VAWT) element would take relatively more place, benefiting from a low but sufficient Magnus effect added to sufficient aerostatic lift if the (inflatable) blades are light enough.
This partially (because the areas of the cylinders of different aspect ratios should be equalized in order to produce a fair comparison) could counteract the exact information below, but for a different projected use:
Advantages of rotors with blades
The rotor with blades is more suitable for higher velocity ratio than the rotor with end plates, as the lift generated can continue to increase without saturation and with a better lift-to-drag ratio. Alternatively, rotors with blades can rotate more slowly at higher velocity ratios while generating the same lift as rotors with end plates, which is very helpful in reducing the energy consumption of driving giant rotors used for ship propulsion.