For a given kite, what is the method to extract the most power?

A rigid definition of a given kite will sway the answer where it is best applied to power generation.

Kite design evolves through iterations of test feedback loops. Thus different teams have found the need to use different kites for their preferred AWES implementation.

If the given kite is a straight span foil tip to tip (as used on rotary ring kite turbine tests) It’s not the ideal kite for the design. But it works well and the difference between the inner and outer tip speed is already not great even at such small test sizes. Straight could be a great kite for the Payne’s patent US3987987 figure 5 As long as you can fly it in a safe controlled way.

All the ancillary components will effect how a given kite is best placed to perform power output…
Bridling adjustments help change function.
Array placement helps reduce tether drag.

Not sure why you say


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