I had mentioned the document that I identify below, but without realizing the consequences on the significant variations of the Cd as a function of the Reynolds number, as shown in Figure 3.
Complete pdf available on https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267497133_CFD_Analysis_of_Drag_Coefficient_of_a_Parachute_in_a_Steady_and_Turbulent_Condition_in_Various_Reynolds_Numbers
I quote again this passage on the abstract:
The Reynolds number is varied from 78000 to 3900000 (1 m/s to 50 m/s). It is found that, for a parachute without a vent at the top, as the Reynolds number is increased from 78000 to 800000, the drag coefficient is decreased from about 2.5 to 1.4, and then as the Reynolds number is increased to 1500000, the drag coefficient increased to about 1.62 and it stayed constant for higher Reynolds number up to 3900000.
Note that Figure 3 shows a particularly rapid decrease in Cd as the Reynolds number increases from 78,000 to approximately 390,000, i.e. an air speed from 1 m/s to 5 m/s.
We can deduct from this that the drag coefficients Cd but also the lift coefficients Cl will be lower at a wind speed around 10 m/s compared to those for a sink rate lesser than 4 m/s.
So are updated the publications related to high drag coefficient (which could be not so high in the use conditions with high winds (and lower Cd?):
Parasail-based Airborne Wind Energy System DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22209.36967
Airborne Wind Energy System based on steerable Rogallo rescue parachute DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.32994.13762
Airborne Wind Energy System based on steerable square rescue parachute