History and Philosophy of Kite Physics

"Thanks to JoeF for finding this kite trail, that also involves Eulers, father and son, who we suspected studied kites (as did Newton).

Examen Marítimo (1771)

Jorge Juan

Jorge Juan y Santacilia - Wikipedia

Kites: the rise and fall of a scientific object

Juan Miguel Suay David Teira

Dpto. de Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la ciencia, UNED, Spain

KitesFinalVersion.pdf (pitt.edu)

"However, kites did not have any theoretical posterity in physics after Johan Albert Euler: with the sole (but not significant exception) of the works of the Spanish enlightened seaman Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713-1778), 20 we have been unable to trace another physical model of kite flying in the subsequent decades…In an appendix of his Examen Marítimo (1771), Jorge Juan analyzes the mechanics of the flight of kites with a view to verifying a theory of his own about the resistance exerted by a body immersed in a fluid. See Simón Calero, Julián, The Genesis of Fluid Mechanics (1640–1780) (Dordrecht The Netherlands, Springer, 2008), pp. 182-184

Rise and Fall and Rise Again of the Science Kite…

Joe and my invited Letter in Physics World-

(9) (PDF) A brief history of kite physics (researchgate.net)


(PDF) A brief history of kite physics

PDF In reply to Margaret Harris’s feature on the challenges and opportunities for airborne wind energy (“Harne…


  • DaveS

JoeF located another kite physics history gem-

Los Molinos y las Cometas de Mr. Euler Le fils.

Modelos matemáticos para las máquinas hidráulicas en el siglo XVIII

Juan Miguel Suay Belenguer jm_suay@yahoo.com

article6.pdf (upc.edu)