KGM1 updates

The KGM1 research program is investigating energy generation using Linear systems and finally the “linear generators” category is starting to appear also in the “Report Reference_economic model for AWES” (thanks to F. Trevisi, R. Joshi, K. Petrik), and that would be fantastic be able to generate a use case that thoroughly analyzes its economic and industrial potential (which based on our projections will be of importance from every point of view).

Still lacking a budget (and we’re working in our spare time), but the program is now well taken care of and ready for take-off and I believe it is likely that within the year there will be other significant innovations… therefore I am sharing with you the most recent updates on the topic of communication:

• Animation of PROTO 3:

[Video] KGM1 on LinkedIn: A simple animation to explain how the Proto 3 works.

  • Renderings PROTO 3:

KGM1 on LinkedIn: 03/2024: Proud to show the first rendering of prototype 3 - Concept Design…

  • Video Test PROTO 2:

  • Interview (Easy Enginerering):


Any feedback / impressions / suggestions / help are welcome!

Happy to receive new followers on the Linkedin showcase KGM1!


Congratulations @MarcoGhiva ,

“Linear generators” seem to be a good way to optimize crosswind kites.

Thanks a lot Pierre!

Cool @MarcoGhiva

Can you share the predicted power/time curve you mentioned on the LinkedIn post?
I’m going to argue that rotary ground gen is also always (never say always… Or never) positive output

In blu, on the right.


Of all kite systems I’ve seen I actually like Rod’s turbine and your linear system the most. Nothing scientific about these preferences yet… it’s probably because it feels like “what kitesurfers do” when the wind drops

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This, other than the semplicity, was exactly the aim of this resarch. I have seen a big potential, but now we need a budget and partnership. Thanks a lot Rudo.

I wonder if this type of belt for linear motion, as just discussed, could be suitable for KGM1 linear generator:

I don’t think so Pierre, on the one hand I just have to transform the linear movement into rotation, then the force peaks are very high. Third, until there is a real budget, KGM1 engineering will unfortunately be on standby. Thanks for your support.