Kiwee News


Hi all, Some more news.
We have already 60 complete mechanical kiwee set ready of kiwee one . Made some small improvements again on the way like loosing one bearing in each mad pulley ( direct french translation :slight_smile: )
Still struggling with electronics. Our electronician is under the wave ( again direct translation, I like that sorry ) and still did not manage to deliver V2 version of kiwee. To accelerate dev, I debug the card by myself last month. Issues with buck DC/DC tuning, power mosfet that has been enhanced and many more that I already forget. Card will be rerouted and then it’s ready to go.
Software has improve a lot to makes kiwee as foul proof as possible. Some examples : output power are checked before being switched on . Hot generator plug / unplugged is ok too. We have a test routine to check that setup is ok before reeling out. Otherwise you will just end up with an enormous knot. Well that is hundreds of small details.
Dominique ( my associate ) went to Niger with 3 “african kiwee” last week to pump water from well. He came back yesterday, don’t know yet how it goes . He was with a french embassador and a dozen armed guys for protection knowing the political context in Niger at the moment. “African Kiwee” is a light version of kiwee with no electronic control, only a DC/DC converter.


Thanks, dave. I Had some news by email from dominique today. He told me he did mean power output around 80W throughout the trip. Unfortunately it seems kiwee worked really well but the pump we bring failed
 Damn it. Hardware is hard


Kitewinder Kiwee featured in “Faut pas rĂȘver” Faut pas rĂȘver - Les aventuriers du vent en streaming - Replay France 3 | France tv at 1h34’

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Congrats on a PR boost on French TV! Unfortunately it is not available to see from my location.