Makani assets auction + related discussion + eWind progress

This video allows to see the whole system. Congratulations for the progress and the video!

@katieschaef you wrote “start small”. But this AWES is already hundreds of meters! It covers almost half a km².

On the video we do not see anyone under the tether, and for good reason (unless it is pure chance): any secondary use is difficult if it is even possible within an area used by a crosswind AWES even “small”. I am surprised to still be the only one who thinks that the space occupied is a real problem. To whom can we sell a wind turbine producing a few thousand watts for an occupied area of ​​half a km²?

The length of the tether should be more or less proportional to the dimensions of the wing, in other words 5 to 10 times shorter to start really small, knowing that the flight requirements may not allow it.