More laddermill / spidermill ideas

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Slow Chat

Having a think I remember I made this some while back? From planters I got but had no use for? It reminded me that there was something similar to the @Windy_Skies design? But way easier and more simple to make. If the top cone could be gimballed somehow? then you have Adaptive movement in the mechanism? Could not vouch for snags? Definitely twin come option. Cheap if a recall at £15 For the metal? + labour and then it getting things moving which then makes it a cheep as chips part? I was trying to make a directed air nozzle for a hover bike nozzle? Using a pressurised section to induced a jet of air downward to form a cushion of air. Though could be used differently?
feel free to chime in? It something I thought about in 2018-2019 before I got rid of my moped? Due to it decay?
But had hoped to build some to put on it? I miss my old green demon?
Any how if there something someone could add might be food for thought?