Questions about Moderation

I have a question here: I read with some interest John’s post with the kite fabric article. Next I saw this:
split this topic 55 mins ago

A post was merged into an existing topic: Random Engineering, Physics, …, Concepts and Ideas

closed 55 mins ago

This topic will be automatically deleted in 7 days.

And so my question is, why is such a legitimate topic being squelched and the message about the choices in kite fabrics, which could be super-on-topic and helpful for kite designers or many AWE people, moved to an inappropriate topic of “random physics and ideas” or whatever you call it? How is an article about choosing kite fabrics and the various properties of the different fabrics considered
“Random Engineering, Physics, concepts and ideas”???
I don’t see anything “random” about it, and it presents no new “physics or engineering ideas” - nothing like that whatsoever. WTF???
Seems like there must already be a topic on kite fabrics, AND if there isn’t already such a topic in such a kite-centric subject as AWE, WHY NOT?
This knee-jerlk moderation just seems to get out of control, no matter who is “in charge”. Go back to sleep. Not everything needs to be fixed.