Questions and complaints about moderation + unlisted, mostly unmoderated, free discussion

Ironic to see the illustrious Dave Santos finally being censored, rather than being protected by Joe Faust’s censorship on the old forum. That censorship was so blatant, so annoying, so unfair, so completely biased, it was absurd. It was like DaveS was a cheating kid on a little-league baseball team, and Joe was his dad, who “just happened” to a) own the baseball field, and b) serve as the umpire. The daily absurd statements, hyperbolic claims, bad advice, inaccurate derogatory musings, and outright lies could not be countered. Joe would come up with any reason, similarly absurd and inaccurate, to shield his “kid” from the normal rules of meaningful discourse, with zero impartiality, and zero respect for the time taken to try to counter the firehose of disinformation, and delete the accurate and true post. For years Santos would deny having said whatever bizarre statement was protested, demanding an exact quote. When the fact that the Yahoo Groups search function did not work properly was brought up, he would deny that too, for years, until at some point he had to acknowledge it. The whole time I wished these two could feel what it was like to waste your time writing something, only to have some arbitrary “moderator” destroy it before anyone had a chance to read it. Well what goes around comes around. Now that your “daddy” doesn’t own the playing field and serve as the unelected “umpire”, you get a small taste of what others suffered through for years of trying to stand up to what were in many cases just plain old outright lies.