Questions and complaints about moderation + unlisted, mostly unmoderated, free discussion

@dougselsam 's quote comes from the current topic which is unlisted and unmoderated as its title indicates. So resetting his trust level to that of a new user is violating the mentioned FAQ which concerns public comments. And that @Rodread as moderator approves that bodes ill for the future.

Now if we quote Doug’s last moderated comment we don’t see any insults:

There was no matter for doing moderation. Doug points the lack of basic knowledge in wind energy. On the contrary, his answer, because it is not detailed, prompts us to reflect and try to find a way towards a better knowledge of wind energy. I am therefore also concerned and encouraged to better understand the bases of this energy.

But here, like for the old forum, the moderators consider themselves untouchable, not accepting any questioning. Again this bodes ill for the future.

Now about a minor point:

It is easy to understand that in this context: “to deliver important insights into innovative technology” and “RWE is effectively conducting a Flyoff between SkySails and Ampyx.” are quite different things. Actually I don’t see any flyoff (so a comparison between SkySails flexible and Ampyx rigid kites) from RWE. Both technologies are described, not compared. For the rest (concerning also Dave’s predictions) this has already been noted.