Questions and complaints about moderation + unlisted, mostly unmoderated, free discussion

Yes Doug, providing exact quotes and the written trail remains the proper standard to make sound accusations. You have never met that standard in accusing me or Joe.

All the graphics provided above were censored here recently. It was not hard to copy them as evidence. Where is your evidence?


I have no proof of it. But I confirm what Doug said.

To avoid confusion, I gave Dave a time out from posting based in part on the rules in the FAQ and the below quote. So yes Dave was prevented from posting due to his and my past actions, but no there was no moderator action on Dave’s comments during the time out period like the above quote says.

I chose for now to barely moderate this unlisted complaints thread, so please keep any personal attacks contained within this topic as they are likely to be moderated outside of this topic.

And if anyone needs a refresher, if any (small) part of a comment triggers moderation, that entire comment could be hidden or deleted as I don’t generally edit other people’s comments. If your comment was hidden, look through it again and try to find the problematic parts and remove or rephrase them. If you’re not sure why a comment was moderated you can ask here or ask a moderator privately.

Windy Skies forgets that he does not care to be called by his true name, for reasons unknown. He is also sensitive to being called a moderation troll.


Luke Admin: “Sorry to be so blunt, but I predict [AWEC2020] will fail. I don’t see a reason why calling it a conference would yield any more or better results than the usual online activities.”

Even more bluntly, in 2007, and again in 2009, and many times after that, I predicted Makani would necessarily fail, based on meticulous failure-mode analysis. Luke seemed surprised Makani failed, but then expects AWEC2020 to fail. Bet on Joe Faust to succeed with AWEC2020, call it what you want.

Joe and I were a key part of HAWPcon09’s success, the first big AWE conference. Anyone can host a live AWEC2020 session in any way they see fit. There are already some great contributions in the pipeline from up-and-coming players. How exactly can AWEC2020 fail? A whole year to welcome and compile AWE content, to then stand on merits. AWEC2020 won’t be anonymously censored like this Forum, so it can’t fail on that count.

Unable to post here new kPower demo links from YouTube (“you are not allowed to link to that server”), due to account restrictions. Its not just the crude Censorship, but the gratuitous punishment of unrelenting account restrictions. The Censors not only stop anyone they want from posting anything they do not agree with, but they also enjoy all sorts of user privileges denied to non-censors, even folks with a longer record of service in AWE.

Again, see here.

I will lift some of your user restrictions after a string of posts of yours that don’t need moderation and a mellowed out reaction to moderation. Until then it is less work for me to leave the restrictions in place, and this also results in less disruption to the forum. I repeatedly lifted your user restrictions in the past, only to have to reinstate them after another overreaction to moderation.

OMG was it true?
Antarctica was designed by elephants.
I knew it. They were there first.
Amazing revelation @kitefreak.

In case you had not noticed. I’m kidding.
What the F is this pish you are spamming this unlisted thread with?
If you want to attempt a justification of sharing this on a visibly shared public part of the forum
 go ahead
 if your content is quality enough.


Its Censors that are wasting everyone’s time, not the content producers. Not a single complaint has been resolved.

Ok, no video links, thanks to anonymous authority preventing them.

Rod’s haircut post is not as good as all the missing posts.

A content producer?
You certainly don’t seem contented.

I am content, except for the Censorship. Let Censors never rest content

Here is a large kPower kite turbine for kite-x to compare to, in actual flight. The uncensored content here is increasingly so-called “semi-airborne”, but the censored side is where most of the airborne happens.

Since video links now paste in my restricted “new account”, here’s a new kPower one. This experiment shows passive-depower, no PTO attached-

You are too hard on yourself

Censorship is futile, we can all agree. Its soft as a feather to fly power kites. Those who hold Forum superuser powers should not be hard on others.

Let Pierre or Doug present censored content here for scrutiny. That’s how open-AWE works.


Unlike Dave, Pierre and Doug have never censored anyone, both in the old forum and the new one.

I am unable to post more than this message due to account restrictions. Pierre still presents no evidence I have ever censored anyone. What has JoeF written that I should disagree with?

Its Moderation here that is censoring, by both evidentiary proof and admission. Pierre and Doug seem to approve of my censorship.

Here is a good overview of Stig, a very talented artist/hacker/scholar, whose video in the public topic nicely shows USP3987987fig5 at work in light wind-

Text overview of Kiteborne-

" Avec son nouveau projet Kiteborne, Nielsen rejoint un large Ă©ventail d’artistes / inventeurs qui tentent de trouver des moyens inhabituels de contourner les combustibles fossiles, afin de sensibiliser le public Ă  la question des urgences climatiques Ă  travers l’art. On peut ainsi citer le projet [Little Sun] d’Olafur Elliasson, ou encore le mouvement [Aerocene] de TomĂĄs Saraceno (dont on vous a [dĂ©jĂ  parlĂ©]) et qui utilise des mĂ©thodes sans combustibles fossiles pour atteindre les hautes altitudes, et possiblement l’espace, mettant en question la pollution atmosphĂ©rique causĂ©e par les lancements de fusĂ©es.

Des Ă©oliennes aĂ©roportĂ©es pour l’Afrique

Pour prouver l’intĂ©rĂȘt de Kiteborne, Stig Anton Nielsen explique la situation Ă©nergĂ©tique en Afrique, et imagine la possibilitĂ© de [« leapfrogging »] (saut technologique viable) avec la distribution de ces Ă©oliennes aĂ©roportĂ©es. « En ce qui concerne les technologies liĂ©es aux infrastructures, le « leapfrogging » le plus pertinent en Afrique serait un approvisionnement en Ă©nergie distribuĂ©e. C’est une bonne solution pour plusieurs raisons, l’une d’entre elles Ă©tant les Ă©conomies rĂ©alisĂ©es en Ă©vitant la construction d’infrastructures Ă©lectriques lourdes. À Kiteborne, nous imaginons un systĂšme Ă©olien aĂ©roportĂ© qui serait capable, grĂące Ă  des micro-rĂ©seaux, de couvrir les besoins Ă©nergĂ©tiques de base beaucoup plus rapidement qu’avec la construction d’une infrastructure classique d’électricitĂ©. Les systĂšmes d’énergie Kiteborne pourraient alimenter les villages locaux presque partout car ils sont trĂšs faciles Ă  transporter et peuvent ĂȘtre installĂ©s sans utiliser de grues. Le coĂ»t des systĂšmes est Ă©galement bien infĂ©rieur Ă  celui d’éoliennes Ă©quivalentes, mais nous devons encore amĂ©liorer la durabilitĂ© et la robustesse. »

En quoi le systĂšme Kiteborne diffĂšre-t-il des systĂšmes d’alimentation [Makani] Ă  grande Ă©chelle ? « LĂ  oĂč Makani utilise l’ascension du cerf-volant pour transporter des gĂ©nĂ©ratrices connectĂ©es Ă  une attache conductrice, Kiteborne est d’une construction plus simple. » La majeure partie de l’énergie d’une Ă©olienne provient des derniers 10 Ă  15% du bout de l’aile. Kiteborne ne construit que cet embout et contrĂŽle son vol Ă  l’aide de capteurs et de microprocesseurs. EncordĂ©e, le bout de l’aile volante entraĂźne un gĂ©nĂ©rateur basĂ© au sol pour produire de l’énergie Ă©lectrique. « Cela rĂ©duit les coĂ»ts de construction et d’entretien, mais l’architecture requiert Ă©galement certaines conditions locales de vent, heureusement des conditions que l’on retrouve dans le climat continental cĂŽtier. » Cela pourrait rendre le systĂšme Ă©nergĂ©tique Kiteborne hautement efficace pour produire une Ă©nergie renouvelable, car la rĂ©duction de l’utilisation de matĂ©riau rĂ©duit le coĂ»t de construction initial et fait progresser le point de rupture consommation/production de maniĂšre significative. Nielsen raconte que son invention unique utilise un systĂšme Ă  trois points, avec poulie Ă  entraĂźnement autonome et alimentĂ© par le mouvement rĂ©el du cerf-volant, qui diffĂšre du systĂšme utilisĂ© par Makani ou [Enerkite], qui utilise le principe du yo-yo inversĂ©.

La technologie Kiteborne sera expĂ©rimentĂ©e au Kenya et cherche Ă  s’inscrire sur les traces d’initiatives similaires, comme [Solar Aid], qui visent Ă  atteindre l’[objectif 7 du dĂ©veloppement durable de l’ONU] : une Ă©nergie propre et abordable pour tous d’ici 2030.

[Had to strip ~10 links above, due to my account limit]

Note that JoeF and I have been in contact with Stig for some time. This Forum tends to lag in sharing in time, quality, and quantity.

If Pierre has any copy of censored material, he has not sent it to me, nor shared it here.

I sent to you recently mails of Joe’s moderation showing messages has been censored. Generally your way of censorship was as follow:

  1. Personal attacks and distorting of facts and words

  2. Protest by the concerned person qualifying that as lies

  3. Joe’s moderation about the word “lie”

You have used censorship profusely. @dougselsam has also confirmed your censorship numerous times. Now you undergo moderation in the new forum.

This was exactly the kind of crapola Joe Faust used to hit me with in his strange lamguage. I’d spend a lot of time writing very accurate posts, which if course he thought was offending due simply to its accuracy (unknown to him since he didn;t know any better than anyone else how futile most of the wannabe efforts were). He’d try to get me to go back and edit my posts but what was I going to do, waste more time on “idiots, idiots, idiots” than I already had and remove all the facts? In my humble opinion, no messages should be censored on any forum, especially one for something like AWE where you would expect half of the people, to be half-crazy at minimum, to start with. You should feel lucky anyone is posting anything at all, rather than trying to nitpick every word as though somehow you magically know better. If you know better, where is your economical and useful AWE system? Oh wait, mystifed and rendered helpless by the entire subject like the rest, right?

You know DaveS this is SOOOOOOOOOO stupid, after over a decade of constant censorship from the combination of you and Joe, you sound like a broken record, and true to form, you never skip a beat, still in denial of all your previous actions and postings. You endlessly demanding examples of what you do all day is like standing at the edge of Niagara Falls and asking for an example of a falling water droplet. It was like the main thing going on for the whole time the old forum existed. My experience with the Yahoo forum felt like CONSTANT censorship, CONSTANTLY being straightjacketed into maintaining a mundane nothingness tone where I was simply not allowed to say how stupid and unknowledgeable of wind energy what I saw happening in most every project or proposed design seemed to me. From you calling yourselves “experts” while constantly promoting entirely stupid ideas, bragging about how great they were while always unable to generate any meaningful amount of power, to Joe censoring me for any and every ridiculous reasons, the whole thing was absurd. I remember one time when I mentioned understanding someone else’s post or something and used the common term “understand plain English”, and Joe deleted it because he said maybe someone who didn’t speak English would have a problem with it. I think someone mentioned it was a U.S.-based forum in English and if someone didn’t understand English then they would not have been able to read my post in the first place, but logic has no place with censorship-happy nutcases like you two. Anyway I think you should stop denying your previous combined behavior. The unwarranted censorship on your forum was far worse than the censorship here, in my opinion. And the REALLY silly thing is, in both cases, most people have pretty much nothing to say so crap like this gets airtime. Wah wah wah, you censored me. No I didn’t. Yes you did. Wah wah wah, you deserved it. No I didn’t. Yes you did. Wah wah wah, how ridiculous it all is.
The even sillier result is I spent over a decade wishing you two could ever experience the censorship yourselves, so you could realize the unfairness of what you had done to others (like me) but now that it happens to you, you still don’t even “get it” and are now in denial that you two ever censored anyone as your magic (and quite predictable in retrospect) answer. The lesson to me seems that if you see someone is consistently unreasonable, don’t expect it to ever change. Don’t expect them to ever learn. Some situations simply are hopeless. Better to just move on.

No that is a homebuilt kite with a beat-up old lazy kiteshow spinner attached. Nothing you build ever makes any power - give it up! :slight_smile:

Correction (syntax):
I sent to you recently mails of Joe’s moderation showing that messages have been censored.