Questions and complaints about moderation + unlisted, mostly unmoderated, free discussion

New forum censorship is as bad as ever. Let Doug post AND let him be factually rebutted-

Doug misspells Plug “in lieu of introducing or demonstrating economical energy solutions”, as he put it here-

Pointing out a misspelling doesn’t add to the conversation here and the other thing is off-topic. You resubmitted the same comment again without waiting for a reply to your feedback here. Don’t do that.

The “palm tree” wishful “biomimicry” theme has been around forever. First time I heard it, I fell off my dinosaur. A typical pretend wish of how a turbine should behave. I have a lot of palm trees here, but not that tall. Maybe 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide. They get blown to smithereens at this windy location. 10% humidity at 100 degree F temps in summer don’t help. Nor does the weight of snow in winter. I feel sorry for them, but keep watering, watering, watering, weeding, occasionally trimming, fertilizing. Still, they look too brown compared to ones in less wind-challenged areas, which is just about everywhere. Totally thrashed leaves, fuzzy with dry fibers. Lots of palms in Southern California, mostly in more accommodating environments than mine. If I ever see one with the leaves spinning at 200 MPH I’ll let you know. Speaking of would-be wind energy biomimicry geniuses, what happened to “whale bumps”? Remember Whale-Power"?

Where are they today? In wannabe-wind-energy-press-release-breakthrough heaven, with Magenn, Makani, KPS, and Altaeros? Harvard, MIT, you name it, wind energy can make a fool of anyone no matter the credentials. The biggest breakthroughs still belong to the “farmer with a welder” contingent.

@dougselsam, this is not a substantive critique of the research and with that off-topic.

This is a forum about past, current, and future research into new technologies so I don’t see what place your seemingly arguing that such research should not occur(?) has here. Like I said before, if you have concrete criticism of the research, feel free to air it. That your palm trees don’t do as well as in other locations is not that.

We’re in an intellectual vacuum here.
Devoid of wind energy solutions, and as icing on the cake, bereft of even a hint of a sense of humor or irony. How long do you want to watch “the smartest people in the world” waste a billion dollars for a null result and remain afraid to laugh, or not see the humor?

“Intellectual vacuum” indeed. Moderation has neglected serious technical free-speech complaints. This is not the place the share serious AWE content. If the moderators would make all “private” content public, the extent of the suppression of sound content would shock the wider AWE world.

The worst affected by mindless AWE content hiding and “time out” enforcement are the unsuspecting readers. Self-justifying Netiquette Concern Trolls, censoring under the color of “moderation”, have failed AWE knowledge-sharing

I can’t even copy more than one sample of recently suppressed content.

Let Pierre be content with Rod’s sharing.

I don’t agree. An example: now @Rodread’s turbine has six blades instead of three, so more to share.

I agree.

I don’t agree.

Due to Moderation restrictions on my account, even here, I can only show one image at time, from well over 100 suppressed posts. Ok, one at a time then-



It seems absurd to me for you or Joe to suddenly be complaining about censorship under the guise of “moderation”. You two even shut me out for something like what seemed like a couple of years(?) - unable to post at all, as I simply said nobody in the field knew what they were doing, nobody would enjoy any real success, etc., etc., etc. This was all based on your two “domain experts” not having a clue yourselves but nonetheless pretending to know everything, while knowing absolutely nothing, in constant denial of any simple fact. How about the time I said the Altaeros Alaska project was not in fact happening? How long did you go on denying that? “It;s a delay!” you insisted, with no evidence. What the heck did you know really? NOTHING! I went on to say you could ignore every further “story” from Altaeros, the Mitsubishi story, the Oman story, the wifi story. We spent about ten years with the main theme being that I should be silenced. I can’t even count the number of my posts you two deleted. While I agree that there should be NO censorship in an “open forum”, you are the LAST person (except maybe Joe) in a position to complain. You two combined would even delete jokes - nothing was beyond your daily attempts to pose as experts while never offering a single real solution the whole decade, constantly shuuting out any knowledgeable or factual observations or input. You two formed the worst internet censorship I’ve ever experienced, and it was all devoid of humor, full of delusions, trying to tell everyone “how it is” while ignoring how it really was. So I agree with you but you are the last person that should be bring up this topic as though you are the victim rather than a long-term, dedicated perpetrator of exactly what you now complain about. I always said you two should experience what it was like to be subjected to your ignorant tyrranny, so now you finally get a teeny taste of what you deserve. I;'d say it would teach you a lesson, but it would not. If the old forum were resurrected, you and Joe would take up where you left off, trying to pretend you knew anything while shutting out all factual input from anyone who does understand any or this. Note: Everything I ever said turned out to be true, nothing you ever said turned out to be true, such as, just to cite one of the most absurd examples, your fake AWE-powered concert - you even had the band lined up, just no AWE system. I have to say you two formed one of the most ridiculous situations I’ve ever experienced in my life. I hope you now know how it feels for some OTHER idiot to censor YOU.

What years were those Doug? Do you have a copy of a censored post as evidence? I never had moderation power on the Old Forum.


“The censored censor”: it is the title of the next autobiographical novel of Dave.

No Pierre,

Its your idea of a book in your autobiography. Address the censored content above, rather than literary fantasy.

Again, I have never censored anyone. Where is any AWE message ever improperly censored from the Old Forum? Rod tried to fire up censorship there, but was stopped. Here he succeeded.kitesled-concept

Dave, your censorship technique was quite interesting: harassing, distorting the facts and words, then outsourcing censorship during the first protest. I wonder who was the censor subcontractor :wink:. @dougselsam, have you an idea of this :smile:?

So you can start with a chapter describing your way of censorship, then a second chapter on your opponent’s censorship technique, then a third chapter about cons and pros.


You provide no evidence for false accusations. Look again at the censored content here. That is actual “technique” in AWE. Its good content.

Write your book as you see it (“interesting”).

An example more of your falsifications. I wrote:

You validate what I (and not only me) said a time more.

Suit yourself, Pierre.

All 12 years Dave. Here you are still playing the same game - still demanding exact quotes and dates, still calling everyone “a troll”, when you are the poster-child troll of trolls. You and Joe spoke with one voice, never disagreeing with each other, ever, always defending each other, calling yourselves “experts” while never showing us a single compelling AWE solution in 24 man-years. I’d have Joe deleting my messages, and you explaining why. The reasons were absurd. You’d make absurd statements, I’d refute them, Joe would delete my posts. Remember? I’d say you two were like a tag-team? Remember: “You hold him and I’ll hit him”? Remember all that? Totally unfair. It suddenly became “against the rules” for me to use the word “crackpot” or playfully cite my mythical character “Professor Crackpot” by Joe, because, according to you, some “real professor” might be scared away. (translation: some real professor might be a crackpot) Meanwhile anyone in wind energy knew a typical crackpot when they saw one, and said so. Other times Joe deleted posts because I used the terms “McConney” or “McBlarney” for Makani - indicating I saw the “emperor” had no clothes. WHere’s the “emperor” today? It was all a bunch of blarney, as we can all see. You would blatantly and repeatedly lie about anything and everything, and Joe would delete posts from multiple protestors calling out the lies, explaining in some sleepy, ethereal-sounding, vague language, like he was floating in outer-space, that we could not “know” the person (you) deliberately set out to deceive. No, you just said untrue stuff all the time like it was nothing, and we were not “allowed” to notice. Give it up Dave. If you can’t remember the 12 years of you two tyrannically trying to defend your mutual crackpotedness against any and all facts, then I’d say it’s just one more instance of being out-to-lunch, and so what?

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