Videos and playlists on wind energy from Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult . ORE Catapult is the UK’s leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy , for example:
Wind Turbine Blades Week 2022 Webinars
The wind turbine blade is the point where a mass of engineering, policy and environmental ambitions meet, and this ambition is growing. How can we tackle the need for bigger, better performing, more resilient and more sustainable blades as we progress towards Net Zero?
To answer this question, the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult held a week of webinars showcasing the most innovative thinking in blade design, operations and manufacture.
Take a look to find out what is in store for the next generation of turbine blades!
Wind Wakes: Briefing Webinar
Offshore Wind Economics for Complete Beginners