Random Engineering, Physics, ..., Concepts and Ideas

Videos and playlists on wind energy from Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. ORE Catapult is the UK’s leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy, for example:

Wind Wakes: Briefing Webinar

Offshore Wind Economics for Complete Beginners


Using cameras to see an object, reducing resolution and capture region for higher frame rates, and some other stuff: Real-life AIM-ASSIST: Aimbot V3

A Better Way to Waterproof Fabric - NightHawkInLight. Wax soaked in mineral oil applied to the fabric. Towards the end an explanation of button technology; using a marble, rope, and a taut-line hitch to make the marble into a button, or attaching the rope to the fabric, without having to puncture the fabric, so keeping its strength and water resistance.

From the comments under the first video: