Scaling a pilot kite

It is about a parasail cluster as a giant pilot lifter kite. The cluster could perhaps also be applied to one of the substantially round lifter kites like SSSL which are often used.

On the comment below, I evoked a parasail cluster.

But the numerous reel-out and reel-in phases increase the risk of entanglement:

3 - Potential Entanglement

Parachute lines from different chutes in a cluster can become tangled during deployment. This risk of entanglement can lead to chute malfunctions or failures, particularly in more complex cluster configurations.

To mitigate this risk, engineers must design parachute clusters with mechanisms to prevent entanglement. This may include careful packing of the parachutes, separation systems, or methods to ensure the lines do not cross during deployment. Nevertheless, the potential for entanglement remains a challenge that engineers must address.

However a parasail cluster is maybe a possibility for scaling a pilot kite, not having to undergo the openings alternating with the closings of the parachutes.

Perhaps a parasail (which is round or almost, like any parachute) cluster could lift high loads like large Kiwee-type or Daisy turbines.

This point I quote again is perhaps a positive feature for static kites:

And also, similarly relating to a parachute cluster:

A parachute cluster:

A 19,000-kilogram test of a cluster of eight G-16 parachutes. Credit: U.S. Army