Slow Chat

i know this is something many here would be interested in? there plenty of rivers this can happen in? they would have to be away form main navigations? but as you love the kite that doo this? with a turbine at it heart it something that can work in both mediums. if you connect in series you can up the anti with green tech? some where where you have a wide river and high flow? you could have one in every river? this examples from Sabogawa River in japan. i see the potential of arrays like this? this would be something like a kite barrage? or kite train? the bonus it would be cheep and low impact. it would fit in with suspend types of AWES.

i can imaging the grand canyon crisscrossed by these. both airborne and submerged types? if you wanted simply beautiful? then tis is one way to go? plus if the mouth is wide open? held open with some like gravity potential generator like I’ve have postulated using? everything’s gravy lads! could look something like this? but really down do every individual creator/maker?
retail for these I would suspect to be in the region of £500 per unit? if you have 1000s thats a lot of energy?

bonus is less damage with birds/fish and all other wild life. if you want amazing? this would be one way to go? it might also work for tidal power? as it self orienting with the flow. it would be less likely to become damaged by debris? if that the case? then it could see wide spread roll out? instead of months development you talk 5 min of plug and play then your way.

this might also interest local authorities? because of adaptability of the design and potential for upgrade and refits? all depending demands of the system? it can be completely recycled or reused in another location. which ad to economic longevity. if you spend £500 it last 100 years? £50 a year is good economy per unit. there is plenty of room for manufactures to get involved. i know Donald trump was caught saying he hates the current turbines. when asked about king Charles 3rd eco agenda before tomorrow’s coronation. if AWES could get someone trump on side? the would be huge? usually if it make sense to him? then it will make sense to more business types? I’m not an huge estimator. but my reckoning suggest there a billion dollar market to the right customers? so there my take, any wishes to chime in, please do?

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