Slow Chat

When you go through the dsm diagonosis process Einsteins name crops up. Along with a ton of other famous people with autism. It’s is a feature they all share. Yes many of us can do quite well. And are quite bright. But were social awkward. I know I’m not going to be solving the theory of everything anytime soon. However much I like too. Nor am I at Einstein level of mathematics prowess. Biological he had a higher brain density. that allowed him to do maths at the level he did. His autopsy proved that! Generally Einstein had a few messy relationships among his pier group and family members. This is well Documented and survived to present day. Just ask anyone with autism about Einstein.

I always try to be realistic with goals and focus. Sure I get confused and muddled along the way. I try going the general knowledge route the best I can. I’m sorry if I don’t come off the way I’d hoped. It is a pain in my backside. No doubt about it! I don’t mean to be unsympathetic.

Like most keen eyed people. I observed for wind energy to work. it must displace one mass, with another. that easy numbers. Didn’t think that was anything new. Just par for the course. Take that as you will?

Spent last night thinking about leaving the forum. going it alone for a time. Questioned my worth and sanity for even trying.

If hydroelectric power can get to 98% efficiency? It must be therefore possible? under fluid dynamics. to achieve the similar for wind. I’m not walking a conventional path by any stretch of the imagination. Or going about it in a normal fashion. It must be possible to tweak the physics. Be that, compression of the airflow? So it has a higher density.
Changing the airflows velocity? Change the volume of air flow? Reducing friction? so on… and soo on…I didn’t think that was ungrounded. Considering that is how steam turbines work.

Going to sign out. And watch from a far.

Hi @dougselsam : good news abounds. We have @Freeflying , Einstein’s equal. Soon Dave Santos will be back, he who is the equal of the Wright brothers. If they work together, all the problems of AWE will eventually be solved: in yo-yo mode the rigid wings will finally produce energy greater than the energy consumed during the reel-in phase; the flexible wings of SkySails and KitePower, which already produce positive energy, are going to be marketed everywhere; SuperTurbine™ and similar rotating devices will finally fly over 10 m high, and so on.

Have your laughs for now boys! I bet you last punching bag got tired and left the group. Is something you might want to consider? I don’t know Dave Santos. Or why you rib him mercilessly? I don’t suppose he mentioned torsion spring as part of the winding mechanism? Much like a tape measure?

Oh, I never said I’m Einstein equal. Just had his sort of problems. I thought I was the one who had the problems. in the end It don’t matter. It’s unfortunate that when informed of someone difficulties. you go all out do denigrate and degrade them. Correct me sure. Degrade me no. Thats no way to do business. I suspect there are many from all walks, and all backgrounds on here. That would not be impressive to to this. I’ve said before it one of my many hobbies. My mistake is believing it would get any better. Instead of working with them you berated. Some who might have Allied allied themselves with the cause. I know there is a fine line between a joke and damn right taking the p out of someone for idiosyncrasies.

I question the delusions argument. It not about money for me. its energy independence. Money don’t interest me, I rather have the materials to make things than money. It that simple. The more I can get out of what I can find near by the better. That is part of the challenge. Sure to find who is a biggest girls blouse? Somewhat later.

If we talk engineering? talk engineering .even if it is turn of last centre stuff. If there a step to take? it is that! Freeing ourselves of hydrocarbons addiction. is not going to be easy! especially because of how ingrained it is. This ain’t the first rodeo! I doubt it will be my last. Reality is a messy ball of string. I’m met bigger and uglier peoples along my road. Lived to tell the tale. As I know we are going in different direction. Just some days walk along side. others no where in sight. Live with differing experience levels.
If you conquer the world I’m happy for you.
I just think there room for micro generation in awe. I’m happy to give it a try.
Good luck!

I make it clear that I have esteem for the accomplishments of Dave Santos and his theoretical views on AWE.

Mothra is a Santos’ giant kite from tarps:

Seems like everyone I know in clean energy claims to have some challenge:
ADHD, OCD, “anal”, “dyslexic”, “the spectrum”, “lazy” “not in the right circles”, “broke”, “no time”, “unorganized”, “no tools”, “no funding”, “too busy”, “stuck in neutral” - sometimes our worst enemy is ourselves - welcome to normal.
I’m still waiting for someone to simply claim: “I am half-crazed and there is no reasoning with me”.

When I met this crew for at their HAWP conference in 2009, my impression was they were all really crazy, unlikely to ever make any power, ever, and that their main interest was really simply flying kites. Seems like that was accurate. They started out bragging about how easily AWE would surpass what they called “windtowers” (meaning wind turbines, which used towers). By the end, they were relegated to merely claiming that “just flying a kite” was AWE, since it took energy to keep the kite in the air.

I thought that version of an arch kite was interesting, but a bit overdone, overstated, and overrated, considering it never generated power.

I don’t know if it was an original idea, but the arch kite is a known kite festival feature:

The thing is, nobody ever showed how to generate any power using an arch kite. It was basically an incomplete demonstration, with a celebration ahead of any results. Should have built a smaller demo with a way to generate power. Mostly it seemed to me just an excuse for a bunch of people to go to the beach and eat some mushrooms. :slight_smile:

I think the closest they came to making any power was using sand to hold it down, then when it dumped the sand off during launch, claiming that sand dump as “making power”.

As I recall, after about ten years of endless gibberish with no meaningful power generated, the story became that the industry was “too dependent on power meters” or something like that.

This was like saying you have a new way to tie your shoes, but when you are finished, your shoes are still untied.

Also something to note: Whenever the occasional new person to wind energy comes in “like a hurricane” indicating their intent to revolutionize the field, mentioning as a side note, for example, how they plan to overcome the Betz coefficient, what they do not realize is how exactly they fit the pre-existing pattern. It’s like, once they’ve invoked “Einstein”, they are compelled to declare Betz as probably invalid, and when knowledgeable people finally stand up and say “enough!”, they almost HAVE to claim to be a victim, calling the experienced people trying to clue them in “mean”, or whatever. We’re used to being called names, and at some point we can no longer let it overly bother us. In the end, they inevitably degenerate to name-calling and blaming the victim (levelheaded people who resist the bullshit). This is par for the course. In one case, it went on for years. If there is anyone close to “Einstein” in wind energy, it is Betz himself. He derived the Betz coefficient on paper, 100 years ago, purely theoretically, using logic and a little arithmetic, and it has turned out to be right ever since. Anyone can follow his reasoning, and if it were invalid, anyone would be free to show it as invalid. On paper, or in real life, the name of the game in wind energy is “Talk is cheap” and “Prove it”. Excuses are everywhere. We all live in a sea of endless excuses. In wind energy, excuses don’t matter. It is results that matter.

Everyone does that. And not everyone is going after you, that’s Doug mostly. He likes to do that. Don’t mind him too much. He is sometimes right, but mostly a broken record.

If you think a comment goes over the line you can flag it - by clicking on the three dots next to the reply button and clicking the flag - , and one of the moderators can take a look at it. Several of Doug’s comments crossed the line, but we don’t always get around to dealing with them. In your user settings you can also “ignore” users so you don’t see their comments anymore.

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This could be good practice for analyzing press-release breakthroughs.
Saw this article about solar thermal steam injected into oil wells for energy storage (below)
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the outcome?


Flagging wasn’t working for me recently.
I saw a few posts crossing into just plain mean abusive and tried to flag them.
Seems to be working again now

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Hell no. But then spotting a loser is not hard. Spotting the unicorn is.

  • oil production will end before these have a meaningful market share
  • most people in oil would rather use gas to avoid investment costs and intermittency of power
  • drilling is pretty expensive
  • we dont need energy storage this bad. Its going to be too costly for a pure renewable solution
  • losses in converting heat energy in the ground into something useful
  • heat will spread to where you cant get it back efficiently

I think a lot of these ideas just boil down to people using the most low tech solutions they find (storing energy as heat in rocks) because they are clueless about the current technological status quo (electricity and batteries).

my take on this. I hope for their sake Imissed something

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@Windy_Skies @Rodread
Thanks you

Taking what I had about me. I’ve have done my own demo.
Taking what I know to be true. Applied the screwdriver trick to logical conclusion. Built this mock up

Im fully aware it can be rigged to almost anything.
Scalable to the extreme. Not bad start for soil pipe sellotape and cardboard
Hairdryer test. To check principles.
Using an involute and six blades rotor. Freeflying for sure. Ripe for improvements. Cross flow type improvements. It reminds a-little of a sport whistle.
and the ancient symbol of othela due to air flow patterns.
As well as the sign of the fish.

Speaking with a 3D printers. So I can get a rapid soild prototype made for further testing.

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They’ll want to to have .STL files. Do you know any CAD software? And at what size would you like to have it? You could buy your own 3d printer also.

It looks like you could recreate this with 2 circles with slots in them for the blades. You could design that in a 2d (vector) drawing program if you wanted to get that laser cut. Or you could print it out on thick paper and use an exacto knife to cut out the slots and blades.

Stl file sent to the printers. Saturday 5/3/22 I’m waiting on reply. as of yet, haven’t heard anything. What I’ve designed this on Tinkercad.
Go turbine generator.stl (246.1 KB) I know it will need a few mods. might look like Pac-Man turbine once done.
It will need its on stand but that just a few wedges. If I recall correctly? this is 220mm tall model 80mm 16 blade rotor

Love to have my own 3D printer. Just out of my reach for now. Not even going to try bringing the folks on board. for all the drama that will ensue. Would love to set up in my folks coal shed. As i know I could get it going as a toy. To raise the funds to go bigger. Steel and concrete bigger. I know it can be made from wood or bamboo. It a bit of Catch 22 atm, trying not to get trouble. So any help is welcome? I’m completely open source.
I’m also aware if the rotor? is fully made from steel it will act as the flywheel. It will also take magnetic imprinted nicely. depending on steel composition. The coils can be bedded in to the involuted structure. Or inside the rotor itself. Which would make it more like an induction motor.

I’m aware you can set it out as an lazer print. Though it was one bit where, my attention slipped while trying to learn that side. Thankfully I have a YouTube creator. who works in the field I can learn from in my subscription and touch up. I also have Eagle labs near me. Should the Printer not get back to me. I am able in an afternoon, to get the rotor parts from 3d to 2d net. If you want to see that? Had just imagined it to be resin printed. Just for easy of manufacturing. Definitely think it could be mass produced. Contracted out, to give good coverage. I will Update once I know more.

Nice to see the file.
Most online 3D printers will now quote based on the volume, materials, and infill profile of the uploaded stl
A good enough FDM 3d printer will probably cost about the same as the print they quote you. Quality of 3d printing for blades however… will be rough

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Just looked the cheapest I could find was £150 with postage. definitely something to consider though. even if it a sizeable investment. Might make a shout out on SM. to some friends I know ,who may be able to help out? Then see if I got some takers. Thanks for the heads up!

“A comment goes over the line” - yeah sure, whenever someone speaks truth, you are “the victim”. They are “bad”, you are "good. Sure, know-nothings. Over a decade ago I flagged most every wannabe AWE effort out there as "idiots, idiots, idiots. I clearly stated ALL of the multi-million-dollar “efforts” out there were spewing complete nonsense and had no idea about wind energy nor what the heck they were even doing, and that NONE of the claims of any of the highest-profile, most publicized claims of powering “X-hundred homes in Location Y by date Z” were correct. Well, a billion dollars later, was I correct? Yes. How could one person dare to stand up to a thousand people spewing a billion dollars worth of lies? The problem was, and still is, naive people by the hundreds, not even understanding the most basic aspects of the field they have inadvertently attempted to enter: wind energy, not comprehending what was already known in the art. It seems that in most cases, they are surprised there are even any standards whatsoever that should be applied to them. They really thought that adding “airborne” to wind energy made it so the basic reality of providing reliable power at a competitive cost did not apply to what they felt was a legitimate “fantasy-world” that, like some drug, could “rescue” them from reality - insulate them from any standards, from any results. This strange phenomenon is NOT restricted to AWE AT ALL, but has always been a part of wind energy - complete know-nothings declaring in no uncertain terms that some “new” (usually old, unknown to them) idea is going to “change everything”. Paul Gipe and I are only two of the wind people who have bothered to stand up to the nonsense. There are many many of us, but just a few who bother to “run the gauntlet” of directly confronting the endless parade of “idiots idiots idiots” who pretend to have mastered a well-developed art which they have no clue about. But to the teeming, ignorant throngs of wannabe wind energy inventors, especially when assembled into an actual group of mostly just such highly-insistent “idiots”, we reasonable people can seem like a lonely lot, by far outnumbered by the “idiots” who think they know more than us, while knowing little-to-nothing. Yes it has been a well-established pattern, for as long as I can remember. A MAJOR aspect of “the pattern” has always been the EXTREME ABUSE we are subject to by the most extreme of the highly-insistent know-nothings. We are called every name in the book, and when in a forum controlled by such “idiots”, the usual response is to delete or censor the valid information we kindly bother to provide. But we can take the abuse. We are happy to help clarify the existing knowledge for those actually looking for real, accurate guidance or factual input in a sea of lies and meaningless statements of future success that in most cases is unlikely, and in many cases (like Magenn) couldn’t possibly happen, in which, no matter how many times the delusional “idiots” watch every wrong statement of “future success” evaporate, they still willingly repeat the next lie. Sorry but it really is that stark. We are completely used to taking the brunt of the resulting frustration when wind energy schemes fail to come to fruition, because we know from long experience that it is far easier to simply “blame the messenger” of truth than to admit fault. Well, Makani failed, but I don’t see them “blaming” me and Paul Gipe, do you? Hmmm, why not? I think a major part of it is people thinking their battle is with “correcting” the information freely provided by seasoned, knowledgeable people trying to clue them in, rather than taming mother nature and becoming a winner in the battle to capture the wind’s energy. It is far easier to sit at a computer typing how some helpful truth-teller is “bad”, as “the answer” to taming the capricious wind. They say they “will” tame the wind, but their real first move is a chicken-shit attempt to denigrate the people who actually know what the heck they are talking about. Today it all happens on the internet, but it is not new. So, have at it, dummies. Call us as many names as you want, and every time some new idiot comes along, humor them and tell them we truth-tellers are just plain bad people. Act like it is knowledgeable people holding you back, and whatever you do, don’t EVER admit we have been 100% right and everyone else has been 100% wrong the whole time. We are used to it. Have fun pretending. We are here for the few reasonable people who need good information, and demands that we should just stop standing up for the truth to “spare the feelings” of the endless parade of highly-insistent know-nothings are just part of the landscape of wind ignorance that we resist as part of having learned just a little bit about wind energy from years of hard work and elbow grease. If someone thinks they know what they are doing, show us. It really is that simple.

Doug, you are right, but you take too seriously what is said on this forum, starting with the AWE field.

Much the same could be said for your verbose off topic rants about everyone being idiots @dougselsam. To be honest I dont read much of it. Id rather hear about your opinions on AWE rather than other people on the forum

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