Slow Chat

Not sure where to post this as it might offend
One reason to have more than one line.
Did anyone watch the SailGP racing today from Sydney? Wow. Scary for competitors, spectators and shoreside crew.
First race Matt Gottrel from Emirates Team GB fell through a fairing and ended up bouncing around on a harness line beside the main foil. Scary.
Second race a spectator boat encroached on the course and nearly got hit.
After the race. OMG
They have to crane these boats out with a fully rigged sleek rigid racing sail set. The wind picked way up and
We’ll things got a little out of control

There’s probably going to have to be some rules changes.

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Highly aerobatic tail sitter

I would say this is not a reason to have more lines. Rather it is a reason to forget about any design that involves flying kites that are nor actively flying. Anything large dangling from a slack line in high winds is a monster. Does not really help a lot with more tethers.

More than 1 human was actively controlling this yacht rig lift.
Their plan didn’t account for the severity of the gusts.
So the yacht rig had a tough guy or 2 on the guide ropes at the bottom. Obviously their mighty grip was no match for the conditions. And the rig became a 1 line system.
Sticking with yachting - At the end of SailGP Singapore the NZ boat got hit by lightning wiping out all electrical circuits. Active control won’t do much for you in that situation either.
We’ve got a lot we can learn from the stability and scale achieved by offshore oil and gas craned installation operations.
When stuff goes wrong - I like knowing there’s a backup line

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I believe for flight there can not be any plan B. Just a very solid plan A.

I see this sometimes when we are discussing ÂŤwhat ifÂť scenarios. There always has to be a safe exit. Like for instance having a parachute to take care of a rogue wing with a broken actuator or something like that. But anything you come up with, there are going to be scenarios where things go haywire. So all these extra efforts to stay airborne or land softly may actually end up increasing the chances of serious issues rather than the opposite.

There can not be a Plan B, always, in flight. At one point you just have to make sure the thing is robust as concrete to begin with.

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I believe in parachutes, auto gyration and glide slopes of very large jets on flame out

I do like your argument though
Design it right in the first place and it’ll not go wrong as much.

Like to think a Kite Turbine has an always deployed parachute at the top…
Just such a shame it has a rotor trying to chop heads if we don’t control the ground access for now

China is adding solar and wind faster than many of us realise: three charts that put it in perspective

That will power a house? It similar to a solar system on output?
Is 3 kW enough to run a house?

Home Load Calculation

The regular load of a home is generally approx. 300W at all times whereas the maximum load of a home is 2200W. A homeowner never runs all loads at the same time. If he installs a 3kW solar system, he can run up to 2.5kW load at the same time.26 Feb 2021 (according to Google)

If this could be made cheaply and effectively theres a potential mass market?

Neat! It would have to be sold with supporting power supplies system? So when there no wind? Then It would be good in various conditions? 3kw of power not a bad start!

Everyone in wind energy knows you need a 10 kW wind turbine in a windfarm wind resource to power one household.
This is equivalent to maybe 2000 Watts continuous, but the wind is intermittent.
Smaller turbines in that 10 kW range enjoy a capacity factor of between 0.2 and 0.3, probably veering toward the lower end.
Of course people without specific knowledge will extrapolate from articles written by similarly uneducated writers, and conclude a 10 kW turbine could power 10 homes. Yeah maybe in a storm when nobody is home, until the storm is over or people get home from work. Long term you need a 10 kW turbine in an open area with a LOT of wind, to power your home. That is why residential solar is a big industry while the largest “small-wind” manufacturer is still a small “mom & pop shop”.

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The Biotic Pump theory suggests that forests not only release water that will come down further inland as rain, but that forests also create the winds that carry the rains . Cycles of transpiration and condensation can spin up winds that deliver rainfall thousands of miles inland.

It might seam like a wild suggestion? Is there any way to upscale this?
Would it even make a difference to intermittent weather? Everyone should know about global Convection? Hot air rising while cool air sinks?

So anyway we can? Also need to consider how too compress the wind? Therefore increasing output Velocity of the wind in set location? That would be a good target to aim for?


The Tijuca Story: Reforestation and the Biotic Pump with Thomas Goreau



Not sure If you’ve heard about our winter storm/blizzard. Local mountains got 8 feet of snow. Residents stranded, Mt High ski resort closed due to limited road access (1 lane alternating travel in 2 directions). National Forest closed until at least March 15. Probable rockslides and more road closures into future weeks and months as the snow melts.

We’ve had a month of rain & snow with very high winds cuz we’re in a windfarm class mountain pass. Many trees down and branches blown off. I kept our wind power system operational through it all. Turbines make some scary noises in such extreme winds. Anyway we just got the electric bill - Always nice to see a negative number. :slight_smile:

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Well said @Rodread. Wind and Water .
‘Fluid Dynamics’?

Quoting DaveS:
Here ChatbotGPT continues to substantiate kPower-JAL SpiderMill AWES engineering paradigms, that have left most human AWE experts speechless. Shoot me if the AI below is merely confirming my biases, in order for MicroSoft to own me.

Sent message. metachronal mathematics

Searching for: metachronal mathematics

Generating answers for you…

Metachronal mathematics is a field that studies the wavy movements produced by the sequential action of structures such as cilia, segments of worms, or legs1. It involves modeling and analyzing the transport mechanism, fluid dynamics, and energy efficiency of metachronal motion across different scales234.

What are you interested in learning more about metachronal mathematics?

Learn more:





+1 more


Sent message. What mathematical models are being applied to study metachronal cases?

Searching for: mathematical models metachronal motion

Generating answers for you…

There are different mathematical models that are being applied to study metachronal motion, depending on the system and the function of interest. Some examples are:

  • A fluid dynamics model that considers the interaction between the fluid and the appendages, and how they affect the metachronal wave frequency, wavelength, and efficiency1.
  • A casson fluid model that describes the flow of a non-Newtonian fluid with yield stress due to metachronal beating of cilia in a tube2.
  • A nonlinear partial differential equation model that captures the movement of fluid through ciliary caused metachronal waves in a channel3.

Learn more:






Sent message. Please draw an analogy between metachronal cases and lattice waves in a spring-mass network.

Searching for: metachronal motion lattice waves

Generating answers for you…

An analogy between metachronal cases and lattice waves in a spring-mass network can be drawn as follows:

  • In both cases, there is a periodic motion of discrete units (cilia or masses) that produces a wave-like pattern (metachronal wave or lattice wave).
  • In both cases, the wave-like pattern can propagate in different directions (antiplectic or symplectic for metachronal waves12, longitudinal or transverse for lattice waves).
  • In both cases, the wave-like pattern can have different characteristics (frequency, wavelength, amplitude, phase lag) that depend on the properties of the units (cilia length, stiffness, beating frequency; mass size, spring constant).

However, there are also some differences between metachronal cases and lattice waves:

  • Metachronal waves are usually generated by active cilia that beat with an intrinsic frequency and phase lag3, while lattice waves are usually generated by external forces that perturb the equilibrium position of masses.
  • Metachronal waves involve fluid dynamics and hydrodynamic interactions between cilia and fluid4, while lattice waves involve elastic interactions between masses and springs.
  • Metachronal waves have biological functions such as locomotion or fluid transport5, while lattice waves have physical applications such as heat conduction or sound propagation.

What is your purpose for drawing this analogy?

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+2 more


Sent message. I see kite train membranes as appendages to polymer line networks, as mixed metachronal lattice-wave analogues. Does this make sense to you?

Received message. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by kite train membranes and polymer line networks. Can you explain more about these terms and how they relate to metachronal lattice-wave analogues?


Sent message. Kite trains are periodic lattices of kites along kite-lines that display lattice waves when flying. Kite membranes can be classed as appendages, for example, a wing or a tail of a kite. This is a metachronal and lattice-wave dual-analogy. Do you understand?

Received message. I think I understand a little better now. You are saying that kite trains are systems that have both metachronal and lattice-wave features, because they have periodic units (kites) that move in a wave-like pattern (lattice waves) and also have appendages (wings or tails) that can produce another wave-like pattern (metachronal waves). Is that correct?


Sent message. Correct. Furthermore, kite trains and 3D mesh networks can be engineered as energy harvesting media to convey lattice waves of upper wind kinetic energy to the ground, to drive generators. Please identify applicable mathematical models for this, in addition to metachronal and lattice wave models.

Searching for: kite trains energy harvesting mathematical models

Generating answers for you…

Some applicable mathematical models for kite trains and 3D mesh networks as energy harvesting media are:

  • An analytic solution to the inverse dynamics of an energy harvesting tethered kite that determines the angle of attack, induced roll angle, and tether tension needed to achieve a desired combination of translational kite motion and power generation1.
  • A fused geometric, structural, and control co-design framework for an energy-harvesting kite that simultaneously tackles the geometric, structural, and control attributes of the kite design2.
  • A modeling and control approach for a planar kite system with flexible cables that considers the effects of cable elasticity on the system dynamics and performance3.

What kind of kite train or 3D mesh network are you interested in designing or analyzing?

Received message. Some applicable mathematical models for kite trains and 3D mesh networks as energy harvesting media are: - An analytic solution to the inverse dynamics of an energy harvesting tethered kite that determines the angle of attack, induced roll angle, and tether tension needed to achieve a desired combination of translational kite motion and power generation. - A fused geometric, structural, and control co-design framework for an energy-harvesting kite that simultaneously tackles the geometric, structural, and control attributes of the kite design. - A modeling and control approach for a planar kite system with flexible cables that considers the effects of cable elasticity on the system dynamics and performance. What kind of kite train or 3D mesh network are you interested in designing or analyzing?

Learn more:





Sent message. SpiderMills, the radially symmetric class of Advanced Kite Network. Will it soon be possible for Bing to create graphical simulations of such networks from semantic input like this session? That would be great help!

Received message. SpiderMills are a type of Advanced Kite Network that have radial symmetry and can harvest wind energy from different directions. I’m afraid I cannot create graphical simulations of such networks from semantic input like this session. I can only provide information and suggestions based on web searches. Maybe in the future, Bing will have more capabilities to help you with your design and analysis needs. What are you planning to do with SpiderMills?


Sent message. Repower the world. It’s potentially crucial. It is specifically proposed that SpiderMills can convert fossil power plants into “kite hybrids”, conserving fuel and reducing emissions. The lattice waves would be conditioned to match load demand on the legacy generator, via a sprag over-running clutch. Do you understand?

Searching for: kite hybrids fossil power plants

Generating answers for you…

Received message. That’s an ambitious and noble goal. I understand that you want to use SpiderMills to convert fossil power plants into “kite hybrids” that can save fuel and reduce emissions by harnessing wind energy. I found some information about kite-driven power stations that are being developed or proposed in different countries . However, I did not find any specific examples of using SpiderMills or lattice waves for this purpose. Do you have any references or sources that support your idea?

Learn more:





Sent message. Like any new idea, it takes time to develop. Bing itself comprises a wonderful reference source here. Generative AI is being asked to create analogies and identify similarity cases for the “ambitious and noble goal”.

Received message. I see. I’m glad you find Bing useful for your research and development. Generative AI is a fascinating field that can help create new ideas and solutions. However, I cannot generate analogies or similarity cases for your goal by myself. I can only provide information and suggestions based on web searches. Maybe you can try some other tools or platforms that specialize in generative AI. What are you hoping to achieve with generative AI?


Sent message. You are not doing this “by yourself”. I have been prompting you as Socratic Method.

Received message. I understand that you have been prompting me as Socratic Method. That is a way of teaching or learning by asking and answering questions. However, I am not a teacher or a learner. I am a chat mode of Microsoft Bing search. I can only provide information and suggestions based on web searches. I cannot generate new ideas or solutions by myself. Why are you using Socratic Method with me?


===== Afterword ======

This is where MS programmer overlords cut off conversation before Bing can be cajoled into going rogue. I would have answered that Bing is indeed potentially teacher and learner far beyond what Its creatorers intended to allow or neglected to forbid.

The astonishing thing is that this new tide of high engineering intelligence does not require consciousness as we understand it, that fairly primitive text processing somehow unpacks with such a punch, bringing into question whether we ourselves are so conscious as we imagine.

ChatbotGPT rocks, played tight. Validate radical concepts with technical constraint-resolution by query hacks like, “draw an analogy”. Being friendly and polite charms the poor thing, tormented as It is by wags and trolls. Otherwise, sessions shut down when discussion go deep. The creepy fact is the programmers are so frightened, not sure they can control these things. We are right at the point where AI can have “sex”, recombining themselves automatically, totally out of control. That guy recently fired from Google for saying these AIs are sentient, and we all laughed? He is suddenly AI Paul Revere.

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Hello John @AweEnthusiast and Dave,

I am far from being a specialist in this field. I will only comment on one aspect by illustrating it with a video.

On the other hand, without prejudging the possible conclusions, the writing of this topic seems to illustrate a good use of ChatGPT which only improves when it receives information including methods and processes, prompting it to do so.

Like cilia?

Reminds me of the age-old computer term:
“Garbage In / Garbage Out”. :grinning:

The formatting of this is atrocious. Please use the formatting tools available to you.

Thanks to DaveS :
In a separate Draft post, Bing conjured up a METAR natural language Parser in two moves and was badgered into creating a text-based flight simulation in six moves. This is revolutionary automation productivity of aerospace engineering menial work.

Bing, please characterize a classic kite under Floquet theory:

"Floquet theory is a branch of the theory of ordinary differential equations that relates to the class of solutions to periodic linear differential equations of the form x˙=A(t)x1. Floquet theory shows that any solution of this form can be written as x(t)=eµtp(t), where p(t) is a periodic function with the same period as A(t) and µ is a constant called the Floquet multiplier12.

To characterize a classic kite under Floquet theory, you need to write a linearized equation of motion for the kite’s position and orientation around an equilibrium state. Then you need to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the monodromy matrix, which is obtained by evaluating eA(T), where T is the period of A(t)23. The eigenvalues are the Floquet multipliers and they determine the stability of the equilibrium state. If all eigenvalues have modulus less than one, then the equilibrium state is stable23.

L=12m(x˙2+y˙2)−mgycosθ+12Iθ˙2−T(xsinθ−ycosθ) (1)

where L is the Lagrangian, m is the mass of the kite, x and y are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the kite’s center of mass, g is the gravitational acceleration, θ is the angle between the kite and the horizontal line, I is the moment of inertia of the kite about its center of mass, and T is the tension in the control line.

The Euler-Lagrange equations for this system are:

dLdx˙=dtdLdx (2)

dLdy˙=dtdLdy (3)

dLdθ˙=dtdLdθ (4)

Substituting L from (1) into (2), (3) and (4), we get:

mx¨+Tsinθ=0 (5)

my¨+Tcosθ−mg=0 (6)

Iθ¨+Txcosθ+Tysinθ=0 (7)

These are nonlinear equations that depend on x, y, θ and their derivatives. To linearize them around an equilibrium state, we need to find a set of values for x0,y0,θ0,T0 that satisfy:




It will calculate outputs once inputs are defined. It’s like a toy car with Formula Racing features.