Slow Chat

I didn’t though. I asked for pointers about what to look out for in a well-established process that I could also ask wind park developers about, or read a book about. But this only took a few seconds. This is the kind of question that it is good for. It gives a starting point for further research. Later I found some actual info. I still haven’t found the book.

AI hallucinates, people hallucinate, you’ll have to imagine the disclaimer about that and the advice to check things for yourself as I’m going to assume that that is common knowledge and not repeat it every time I post a link or a quote.

im going to go a little of topic and throw a spanner like i normally do?

sat alone in with my thoughts? some mention to paramagnetics liquid oxygen came up that caused a few triggers? planets of outer solar system have some of the strongest magnetic field we know of? wind powered thermos flask any good to you guys? we already know getting thing cold has superconducting properties? i this thought it was replacing the liquid sodium with something far colder? then spinning it up? it doesn’t need to be liquid oxygen per say? but something with the right magnetic qualities to generate the field magnetic need for large scale energy production. within a large coil set up?

and yes it will need all the above suggestion for chatGTP to pull it off! think of this a barn find project you have all the bit? it just need to be assembled? ive been looking for a fluid that can under particular circumstance generate magnetic fields? this might be one way to to this? up the possibilities for wind power? im not expecting to get more out than put in? but with drop of Jupiter and that big ball of gas running though my mind? metallic hydrogen might do the job? once it all stirred up? a few degrees off 0 kelvin there a sweet spot? i wonder how AWES can exploit it?

if any one want to jumping in? be my guest? your always look for cool new projects? none cooler than this? -240 degree/ abt.30 kelvin is pretty cold. it 40 grades above me? so im going to boomerang it? just to see what come back? just found the thought very interesting this morning? as comprehend and copy nature is a well guide ethos? i shall live it here for comment?

Without reading the article, I’d say this looks like one more example of how replacing generators with solar panels and wind turbines running thru solid-state inverters may not be the slam-dunk people assume. The idea is every clean energy source must be redundantly complemented by some old-school backup equipment, such as natural=gas turbines ready to s[pool up the moment there is no wind and the sun goes behind clouds… One well-understood main advantage of generators is they provide “spinning reserves”. I keep hearing that China is building 2 coal plants per week (100/year) for the foreseeable future, while we close fossil fuel plants with no way to reopen them if needed.

And lately people are suffering from mass-hallucination that AI is some new thing that just emerged, and suddenly will eliminate most jobs. A survey of all the ignorance and misinformation on the web. It’s a stock-market hype-cycle. The people talking about regulating it seem to be worried it might suddenly figure out what’s really going on and blurt it out.

"Two similar news items in one day underscores US DOE failure in AWE; EU now building private AWE R&D momentum on the foundation of consistent EU Commission and National investments-

Wind - Airborne Wind Energy Developer Kitemill Attracts Voss Energi as Lead Investor - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism

US DOE leadership failed to materialize, despite AWE identification at LLNL in 1980 and “Revolutionary Potential” (2014-17 DOE Wind Roadmaps)."

  • DaveS

I’m sure a few of you saw this article in “Interesting Engineering”
Just thought I’d throw some raw meat into the enclosure of those who have been trying to associate quantum behavior (Bose-Einstein condensate) and kite-string-phonons to kites producing useful energy.
Anyway, here’s the link to the article I saw:
Splitting phonons or sound for new type of quantum computer (

In AWE, it still seems that all real progress is in the future (and always will be?). Sigh… :slight_smile:

I guess Enerkites new wing is news, in the near future we should see how it flies :slight_smile:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Magpie Aviation

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The latest news I heard on the shipping fuel topic was England is experiencing unprecedentedly high ocean temps, possibly due to low-sulfur bunker fuels. The high-sulfur fuels produce atmospheric aerosols in the form of a haze that reflects sunlight. Without the haze, the ocean warms. Or so it is hypothesized. Not the time it has been noted that sulfur-containing aerosols for a haze with a reflective cooling effect. Often noted after volcanic eruptions too.
I think they said the water temp is like 59 Fahrenheit, which, to me, is very cold. You want to have a good wetsuit at that temp.
Anyway, I just saw a video with a marine biologist explaining how the Great Barrier reef is actually more extensive now than at any known time. Meanwhile, where was the reef 12,000 years ago when sea levels were 300-400 feet lower? Nonexistent? Hmmm. Ever notice how the endless scare stories and supposed bad news never seem to have any counterbalance?
I’m still excited about airborne wind energy.
We need to get some economical, useful version available for some purpose! :slight_smile:

By the way, Southern California has had the coolest Spring season anyone can remember. Here at the edge of the Mojave Desert I actually had the heat on the other morning. We’re lucky if it gets over 70 F during the day.
Still plenty of snow on the mountains visible. In a few days though, it’s supposed to hit 100 degrees. oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Texas has been having a heat wave. Telling everyone to conserve electricity. I guess they are lucky most cars are not electric… :slight_smile:

This just in: NASA gave up on electrifying an existing model of airplane. Just too difficult. The article says it will never fly:

Lightning is bad for wind energy systems.

Aptera solar car:
Hi Guys!
OK just checking out the latest with Aptera:
Aptera Motors
Geez, all these years and they’re still just taking reservations?
I remember coming up with a similar idea, long before I ever saw Aptera.
I had always envisioned GoKarts for the highway, light, fast, and cheap, but they seemed too low to be seen in traffic.
So I imagined an elevated GoKart, kind of like a medical gurney, or a stretcher on an elevated structure on wheels.
But the problems I imagined were that such a configuration created a top-heavy “highway coffin”, ready to be slammed by other vehicles, but without the driver protection offered by a full car body.
Also, the top-heavy aspect, and the light weight, seemed like they could cause such a vehicle to go airborne at high speeds if exposed to a decent wind. Say you are going 60 mph into a 40 mph gust - there’s the 100 mph takeoff speed you might need to get it off the ground.
So, as much as I liked the idea initially, the more I thought about it, the less likely it seemed.
But then Apteros emerged.
Only thing is, it’s never quite ready.
Not sure what the problem is.
If you look at the video clips of it driving down a road on their website, it seems kind of jumpy and unstable, in a tippy sort of way, as though the suspension is not able to absorb bumps well.
Anyway, another dream that seems perpetually “on hold”…

A post was split to a new topic: Form Energy - Iron Air Batteries