SuperTurbine (tm) and Serpentine, and other torque transfer systems

Page 227:

Rotor radius 2.22m
Blade length 1.4m
TRPT radius 0.5m
TRPT section lengths 1.25m
Elevation angle 18.5◦
TRPT total length 190m
Tip speed ratio 3.5
Table 5.12: Proposed Daisy Kite System

This results in an operating altitude of 60m

I don’t see the required lifting kite area in these specifications. The explanation is quite simple: the study of the required lifting kite area is not in the object of the thesis.

With data on table 5.12, the required lifting kite area would be quite huge if even it is possible. See the cause I identified on my previous comments, for example here.

@Rodread I don’t think you seriously believe that a lifting kite like the one you use for a rotor of the same diameter would lift a TRPT of 190 m long with all its mass, drag, plus the rotor thrust (drag)… But, to reassure you, the lifting kite itself could gain altitude, as I suggested in my previous post.
