The no market Hypothesis

I’d say it’s more like “The Not Workable” hypothesis. There is apparently nothing to market. Maybe it should just be admitted that the reality is “The NOTHING hypotheses”. Nothing to run, nothing to use, nothing to offer for “disaster relief”, and nothing with regard to the zero homes powered by AWE after over a decade and a half of trying, and a billion dollars spent.

With any new energy technology, nobody necessarily expects early prototypes to be more economical. But at least they are expected to actually run. They need to be able to demonstrate reliable operation, on a reliable basis, be continuously dispatchable, always available, and in continuous use year-round. Once it is proven they can run on a regular basis, then they can be refined and optimized for economics. Instead we have huge promises, lots of handwaving and happy-talk, followed by a bunch of non-use and excuses, or just embarrassing silence.

It is completely untenable, after all these years, to have not a single system in regular, daily operation. In fact, it is a complete joke. The sad thing is that some people have pointed this out the whole time. It’s the worst and most abject failure in the history of wind energy.

At least vertical-axis turbines, as another example of a largely-failed wind energy design approach, have many examples of systems up and running for a year or more. If you know where to look, it is possible to find a still-working system, somewhere, until it shakes itself apart. You can buy one on Ebay - yes it will be all complete lies regarding the nonsensical and indeed scientifically impossible output fantasy numbers claimed, but you can buy one that runs for at least some period of time, once installed.

Not so with AWE. I think the first thing AWE needs to do is to get rid of the “really smart people” theme and realize they are the biggest dummies in the history of wind energy. Then figure out whether there is any AWE direction that could possibly be successful, following the math, not just their emotions. :slight_smile: