Toward the worst AWES

Today I made some other tests, using the same 0.2 m² kite lifter, and only one gyrokite rotor of 0.555 m diameter as always, but in a different way, with a wind speed of 3-8 m/s. Previously the rotor 1 was 5 m from the bridle point. I put a stop 1 m from the bridle point. I launched the rotor 15 m from the kite, then it went up like a messenger until the stop. When it yet rotated at low angular speed, the pull was low, and the elevation angle was a little lesser than that of the kite. But when it rotated at full speed, the pull was strong and the set went down quickly, also losing stability.

That confirms what I thought in the message above about complete gyrokites as a better solution.