Using an aerostat or a kite as a lifter of a regular wind turbine, by juxtaposing proven technologies?

Hi Pierre:
I can’t say I disagree with anything you are saying here. I guess one main point is, if you can figure this out so easily, how were thousands of supposedly “really smart” people fooled by Altaeros? Just goes to show you, there’s something in the air, that is causing large numbers of people to lose their sanity in a complete departure from reality!
Having said all that, I still leave room for the possibility of some configuration that might include lifting gas and make some sense. And if Altaeros was worth all those millions and all that fanfare, a system using a regular blimp would be twice as good!
BTW the 10 kW turbine here weighs over 1000 lbs. That may seem too heavy, but there are a couple of factors to consider:

  1. Turbines you see for sale on the internet, especially manufactured in “the world’s factory” are of questionable quality, and prone to failure.
  2. Heaviness is actually good for turbines, in the sense that the heaviness can help them withstand extreme winds. Remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad Wolf saying “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” Which house survived? The one made of bricks! Bricks, not sticks! I hope I’m not mixing up my fairy tales. I mean, we also have The Three Bears, and their porridge, what was it, too hot, too cold, of “just right”?