Where impolite posts get sent

As a reader, you don’t have time to waste reading these personal peeve messages.
This is where the weakest posts on the forum go to hopefully never be read again.

DS vs DS could be moved after an exchange of two consecutive messages. Indeed there are not dozens of exchanges of this kind, but dozens of times the same exchange repeated like for a scratched record (the 11 consecutive messages from AWE prognosis can be reduced into two messages).

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I suggest just flag+remove any messages that dont carry any useful information or is too personal/inpolite. We just need to show that this forum is not a dumpster. For normal users we can/should be lenient but for repeat offenders we should just put the foot down. A few users are ruining thw whole experience.

And I need to state: apart from the spamming both DS are valuable contributors. I hate to se any if them leave

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The thing is that they seem to have vastly more time for writing than I want to spend on reading.^^

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