Will KiweeOne be funded?

Hello Pierre, exact numbers are : 0,5 kg in flight, 4. 5 for the whole system.
I think we will be on something like 5 to 6 times what we have for kiwee. So I would say between 3 and 5 kg for in flight, and we will try to go below 30 kg for the whole thing.
That is just a guess but we won’t be far from that for sure

However this document (https://kitewinder.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/20181216_CommuniquéPResse_kitewinder.pdf) mentions 1.5kg for the wind turbine + the kite.

Yes, the kite is 1 kg, flying parts around 0.5 kg
About slippy phenomena and ageing of the belt: We have 4 identical test bench. We can change many parameters like belt tensioning. With increasing belt tensioning you increase the adherence. Diameter of pulley are also to be considered. And We will use a gear on kite part, as for kiwee that already has a multiplier within the right angle transmission. We are working on a video that shall be released in a month showing those test bench. They represent the beginning of the ADEME program. Agence de Devellopement et de la Maîtrise des Énergies for the accronym :wink:


Could I deduce the flying parts become lighter and lighter, from 1.5 kg (as mentioned on the ADEME (Agence de Développement et de la Maîtrise des Énergies) document) to 0.5 kg now?
Indeed the wind turbine with its return pulleys system seems to be increasingly compact.

Still 1,5 kg of flying parts. Kite is 1 kg and turbine is around 500 grams. Total is 1,5Kg as mentioned in the ADEME program. Yes we made a lot of effort making things compact and easy to use

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Please could you produce a sketch of it? Thanks.

I am not sure how to sketch that. I was thinking just adding a gear so that the transmission line/tether moves eg. twice as fast relative to the propeller as of today.

Twice the speed gives double energy throughput at the same tension/friction as of today, to a point.

That what we have on kiwee, right angle transmission + multiplication ratio

Thanks for the precisions Olivier. Please other two small questions:

  • Now the blades seems to be rigid outside, flexible inside, aren’t they?

  • As Kiwee will scale up, have you considered installing a tilted rotor (autogyro or Daisy-like) in order to require a not too large lifter kite?

After successful crowdfunding campaign, will you consider a second campaign for equity crowdfunding? This could alleviate personal financial risk. Eg systems such as Invesdor? @Kitewinder

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Hello guys, sorry I am not really active right now but the campaign is just on the finish line so we are quite in a hurry to have the best possible results.
BTW, we have a recent article in Madyness, a French well know start up magazine.

It is in French sorry.
About blades, we are still improving the manufacturing process as well as materials use.
It is a combination of fiberglass, resin and foam that is done within a closed mold. The result is rigid and lightweight.

About tilted rotor, kiwee one is already tilted slightly, we will for sure explore that in a deeper manner in a cloth future

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@tallakt, honestly there are many possibilities about what next. I can’t tell at the moment what we are gonna do.
At the moment I’m just foccusing on crowd campaign and just after that about delivery.

You might consider it. Right after a successful crowdfunding there is optimism and you have proven the existence of customers. BUT - many report that getting to delivery is often harder and more costly than expected. I think it can ve a good idea to spread the risk at that point to make sure you have the backing to complete the delivery in a good way, even if you spend more than your budget.

If you wait until you have spent all the crowdfund money, you will be in a worse process for negotiations


Almost funded!! Just 135€ missing. So exciting! :grinning:


Goal is reached! Congratulations @Kitewinder!


Congratulations @Kitewinder!

Concratulations @Kitewinder! It going to be exciting to see where this story goes


A post was split to a new topic: Thermoforming for blade manufacturing

Thanks guys for the sUpport. That is really kind to all of you.
Regarding blade manufacture, we have already explore many possibilities but we haven’t done anything with thermoforming. To be more precise we have done thermoforming but it was to built blade molds. You can open a thread on that, I think it could be interesting!
BTW, the crowd is not finished, still 4 days left. Keep pushing, forwarding.

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